ITV Emmerdale fans 'work out' two villagers' unexpected family connection

On Wednesday's instalment of Emmerdale, ITV viewers saw Rose Jackson take a trip down memory lane with Will Taylor.

By Tianna Corbin, TV reporter

Emmerdale: Rose revealed to be Dawn's mum

It looks as though Emmerdale fans may have rumbled a secret family connection between two villagers. Recently, viewers learnt that Ruby Milligan (played by Beth Cordingly) had been secretly working with newcomer Rose Jackson (Christine Tremarco).

The pair are in cahoots to try and break up Kim Tate (Claire King) and her husband Will Taylor (Dean Andrews) by getting Rose to seduce her ex-partner. Although she explained to Ruby that there had been some issues, viewers saw her plan set in motion on Wednesday.

Trying to soften Will up, after he threatened to throw her out, Rose suggests that they have a drink and reminisce about the good and bad times of their relationship. Despite being hesitant, Will agreed and they started taking a trip down memory lane.

Rose wasted no time in speaking about their former sex life and how great it was. This clearly made Will uncomfortable as he told her the conversation wasn’t appropriate.

However, they were unaware Kim had returned home and caught the tail end of their conversation. As Rose told Will she’d never met someone like him since they split, Kim made her presence known, interrupting their rendezvous.


Ruby made it clear Rose needs to seduce Will to split him and Kim up (Image: ITV)

It seemed as though Rose’s plan to try and smooth things over with Will is starting to work as it was clear he was having a change of heart.

Although Kim was having none of it, reminding him that he’s only tolerating Rose for their daughter Dawn Taylor’s (Olivia Bromley) sake.

She asked: “Well, an afternoon and a few drinks to have you do a complete 180 well, that would be pretty pathetic wouldn’t it?”

It’s clear Rose is adamant about splitting Will and Kim up, especially since Ruby threatened her earlier in the week if she didn’t successfully complete their mission.

Emmerdale Rose Jackson

Emmerdale fans think they've worked out a family connection in the village (Image: ITV)

As Ruby told Rose she’d have to pay back everything she’d given her if Kim and Will didn’t split up, fear started to set in.

Rose admitted that she wouldn’t be able to afford to pay Ruby back as she replied: “You have to stop saying can't, do what you have been told or you will lose everything."

Watching the unusual interaction, along with Rose’s attempts to seduce Will on Wednesday night, ITV viewers believe the two blondes may be siblings working together.

@MrsCC_261 said: “So I think Ruby and Rose are sisters @emmerdale - Caleb has said a few times how Ruby walked away from her family. Ruby's cleared Rose's debts so a family link seems right.”


Are Ruby and Rose sisters? (Image: ITV)

@JeanieThePixie replied: “I think you might be right #emmerdale

@tajm_x asked: “Is Rose Ruby's sister or something?”

Are Ruby and Rose secretly siblings working together to get what they want?

Emmerdale continues weekdays on ITV from 7:30pm

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