Antiques Roadshow's Fiona Bruce shares ‘most amazing’ item which was 'incredible' to hold

On Wednesday's instalment of The One Show, BBC viewers saw an extended episode for the 80th anniversary of D-Day.

By Tianna Corbin, TV reporter

Fiona Bruce speaks about holding a Reuters news wire

BBC star Fiona Bruce detailed which item was extremely special to her during Sunday’s instalment of Antiques Roadshow. The special episode, which aired on Sunday night, commemorated the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings.

Speaking to The One Show’s Alex Jones and Jermaine Jenas, Fiona spoke about some of the items that featured in the special. She said: “For me, as a journalist, the most amazing thing was the Reuters newswire.

“It announced to Britain, it said something like, ‘The long awaited invasion has finally begun’. For me to read that I just thought, 'Well I’m never going to write something as important as that’.

“I seriously hope I never have to actually. It was just incredible to have that in my hand

Elsewhere, the BBC star confessed it was an emotional episode due to the sentimental value behind each item.

She said: “Just being there, being sat in the cemetery where so many people died. Some as young as 16 because they lied because they were so eager to fight and do their bit.

Fiona Bruce

Fiona fronted a D-Day special on Antiques Roadshow (Image: BBC)

“We heard and saw amazing things.”

The Antiques Roadshow host recalled a coat belonging to a little girl called Betty White who was five at the time. As the girl stood and waved the soldiers off, she asked for one of their badges.

Fiona continued: “Her mum stitched them onto this incredible coat, it was just extraordinary.”

During The One Show, BBC hosts Alex and Jermaine read out some touching D-Day stories from viewers.

Fiona Bruce

The BBC star touched on the important item she held in the special (Image: BBC)

One of which seemed to get Alex slightly emotional, as Diann Johnston spoke about her father, Harry Arthur Brown who was lost on D-Day when she was a baby and her brother was four.

The BBC star said: “ She (Diann) still has this case with over 60 letters that their father had written to their mum.

“All starting with, ‘My three darlings’. The last one-gosh.”

Alex seemed to be taken aback as she explained the last letter was dated June 4, two days before he was killed in action.

Alex Jones and Jermaine Jenas

Alex and Jermaine read out viewers D-Day stories on Wedneday night (Image: BBC)

The BBC host added: “Diann, now 81, says she’s going to be watching the show with her father’s case beside her.

“Thank you so much Diann for getting in touch.”

Antiques Roadshow’s D-Day special is available to watch on BBC iPlayer.

The One Show continues weekdays on BBC One from 7pm.

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