ITV The Chase's Mark Labbett hits out at 'unfair question' as fans spot major slip-up

The Chase star Mark Labbett criticised one of the questions he faced in today's episode of the ITV quiz show.

The Chase: Mark Labbett hits out at 'unfair question'

The Chase star Mark Labbett, who is also known as ‘The Beast’, branded one particular question “unfair” in the latest edition of the ITV quiz show. The 58-year-old professional quizzer admitted he felt one of the contestants was at a disadvantage when he went up against her.

Contestant April, 26, didn’t have the best of luck when she was asked to try and beat the chaser, quickly getting eliminated after just a few questions. However, Mark argued that the immersive content specialist from Northampton couldn’t possibly know the answer to one particular question, as it pertained to television episodes that aired decades before she was born.

During the first part of the show, the pair were asked if ‘Bessie’ in Doctor Who was the name of a car, a space ship or a robot. Admitting she had never watched the BBC sci-fi series, April guessed Bessie was a robot.

However, as Mark correctly pointed out, Bessie was actually the name of one of the Doctor’s cars during the 1970s. While he had got the answer right, the chaser branded the question “unfair”, as April would have been born more than 20 years after those episodes aired.

He said: “I think that’s really unfair because this is back in the 70s. I think it was Tom Baker’s? So it was literally 20 years before you were born,” he added, turning to a frustrated-looking April.

Mark Labbett

Mark Labbett (Image: ITV)

Yet it seems Mark was also not entirely correct, as fans rushed to social media to call-out the error he made while answering the question.

Taking to X, the social media platform formerly known as Twitter, many Doctor Who aficionados pointed out that Bessie the car had actually belonged to Jon Pertwee’s version of the Doctor.

Jon, who played the third iteration of the two-hearted alien, starred on the show between 1970 and 1974.

It was not until 1974 that Tom took over as the fourth Doctor, who delighted viewers with his quirky take on the character all the way up until 1981.

April on The Chase

April failed to beat the chaser (Image: ITV)

“John pertwees car #TheChase,” one person pointed out on X. While another added: “No, Beastie no, Bessie was Jon Pertwee's car …” (sic)

“It was not bakers it was pertwee,” a third expressed, as one more wrote: “(It wasn't Tom Baker's).” (sic)

In the end, April walked away without winning any money, with host Bradley Walsh kindly suggesting she might have done better on a different day.

The Chase for Soccer Aid airs tomorrow at 5pm on ITV and ITVX.

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