Prince Charles steps up on Easter to show of support to Christians around the world

PRINCE CHARLES will lead celebrations on Easter Sunday as he has recorded a poem to "show support for Christians around the world", Clarence House has announced.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

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The future King has narrated verses by acclaimed author and Catholic priest Gerard Manley Hopkins. The Prince of Wales, known to love poetry, recorded God's Grandeur by the leading Victorian poet.

Prince Charles's contribution will be played during a virtual service held on Sunday morning at Stonyhurst College, a Catholic boarding school in Lancashire where the poet and cleric taught.

Clarence House, Prince Charles's office, said: "The Prince of Wales has recorded the Gerard Manley Hopkins Poem, God's Grandeur, to show support for Christians around the world at Easter.

"Easter is the most important festival of the Christian Church, celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ on the third day after his crucifixion, and Hopkins's poem captures the hope and joy associated with that season."

The poem chosen by Prince Charles begins with the lines: "The world is charged with the grandeur of God. 

prince charles news easter day poem reading prince of wales royal family news

Prince Charles news: Prince Charles will mark Easter Sunday with the reading of a poem (Image: GETTY)

prince charles news easter day poem reading prince of wales royal family news

Prince Charles news: Prince Charles visiting a vaccination centre (Image: GETTY)

"It will flame out, like shining from shook foil; It gathers to a greatness, like the ooze of oil Crushed."

Mr Hopkins converted to Catholicism and gave up poetry after deciding to become a priest.

However, between 1875 and 1876, he returned to writing to honour the memory of five nuns who died in a shipwreck.

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prince charles news easter day poem reading prince of wales royal family news

Prince Charles news: Prince Charles recently visited Athens (Image: GETTY)

The 35-stanza ode was called The Wreck of the Deutschland and was published posthumously in 1918.

The Prince of Wales gave a special reading also last Easter.

In 2020, the heir to the throne recorded a reading of the Gospel, broadcasted by Westminster Abbey and Canterbury Cathedral.


prince charles news easter day poem reading prince of wales royal family news

Prince Charles news: Prince Charles has recorded the Gerard Manley Hopkins poem God's Grandeur (Image: GETTY)

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Prince Charles looks set to be the only member of the Royal Family to publicly mark Easter this year.

The Queen, who is the Supreme Governor of the Church of England and a fervent believer, won't release a message or make a public appearance on the day, according to the Daily Express correspondent Richard Palmer.

A royal source said: "The overriding concern is to avoid crowds gathering.

"If we said she was going to church the risk is that there would be a crowd." 

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Prince Charles news: Charles and Camilla got married in 2005 (Image: EXPRESS)

The monarch is likely to worship privately in her personal chapel at Windsor Castle where she is staying with Prince Philip or at another church on her estate in Berkshire.

Last year, when Britain was only a few weeks into the first national lockdown and all places of worship were closed, the Queen recorded for the first time an Easter message.

In a bid to bring hope and encouragement, the sovereign said: "This year, Easter will be different for many of us, but by keeping apart we keep others safe.

"But Easter isn't cancelled; indeed, we need Easter as much as ever.

"The discovery of the risen Christ on the first Easter Day gave his followers new hope and fresh purpose, and we can all take heart from this. 

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Prince Charles news: The Queen won't release a message this Easter (Image: GETTY)

"We know that coronavirus will not overcome us. As dark as death can be - particularly for those suffering with grief - light and life are greater.

"May the living flame of the Easter hope be a steady guide as we face the future."

The Queen was last seen in public on Wednesday, when she marked the centenary of the RAAF by visiting the Commonwealth War Graves Commission Air Forces Memorial in Runnymede, Surrey.

As she was not able to attend in person the Maundy Thursday service at St George's Chapel, yesterday the Queen issued a message to the 95 male and 95 female recipients of her Maundy coins this year and sent them the special money via post.   

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