Four patio-friendly plants that 'ward off pests' including rats and mosquitoes

These common plants can be found in most households and even local supermarkets. If you're not keen on plants, the experts have also shared a natural method to trap slugs and snails.

By Chloe Dobinson, Lifestyle Reporter

Brown slug on a green wet radish leaf top view.

Slugs are some of the most notorious garden pests (Image: Getty)

June is somehow already here and while we don’t know where the time has gone, it has got us wanting to go out into the garden a lot more.

If you’re lucky enough to have outdoor space then you will know pests and critters love to make themselves known when it comes to our plants

However, according to patio and paving experts at Armstrong Cheshire, there are some plants and natural methods which can do all the hard work for us and say goodbye to pests

Simon Wardle, Patio Pro and owner of Armstrong Cheshire, has shared which plants to have in your garden to enjoy a pest-free summer.

As well as adding plants to your garden, the experts have also shared a natural method that can deter critters - and you might already have the solution in your cupboard.

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Mint and peppermint

Mint is often used in recipes and drinks but it can also be used to repel pests.

Wardle said: “Whether you have the ability to plant in soil, or just have pots around your patio, the strong smell will keep away both rats and mosquitoes.

“As it is so easy to care for, mint and peppermint are perfect plants for beginners. It is essentially a weed, it's recommended whether you've plant beds or a patio, to plant in pots as it will grow so quickly”.

Beautiful, summer planted Terracotta pots with soft pink and white daisies and scented Lavender

Lavender is perfect for keeping mosquitos, moths and flies away from your space (Image: Getty)


While we know the plant smells of pretty strong stuff it has plenty of benefits in your garden. 

Wardle continued: “Not only does the vibrant purple fill your outdoor space with colour and calming scent, but it can keep pests to a minimum. It is perfect for keeping mosquitos, moths and flies away from your space.

“Like mint, it can be planted or purchased in a patio-friendly pot straight from garden centres."


Thirdly, while many of us use it as a kitchen staple for dishes such as pork, chicken or stuffing there is a hidden benefit to sage. 

“Sage is another plant that can ward off lots of pests including rats and mosquitoes - who once again hate the strong pungent smell,” Wardle said.


This may be a surprise to some people but it turns out the alcoholic beverage can be a good pest deterrent. 

Wardle suggested “planting a container such as an old ice cream tub containing two to three inches of beer in your soil”.

The trap can be the “perfect solution” for banishing slugs and snails and can keep them away from your home too.

Wardle advises: “Make sure you keep the beer topped up as this trick works best with fresh beer. This works for your patio and decking, too, although if you’re not burying it in the soil, try a low-walled bowl, such as a walled plate."

The yeast in the beer attracts snails and slugs who can either be left to drown or removed to a safe local green space. Slugs and snails are particularly active in warm, wet weather which we have seen on and off in spring. 

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