Prince Harry warned 'UK fed up' after Duke 'throws his toys out the pram' for major reason

Many Britons are losing patience with Prince Harry "refusing to take no for an answer" over his security protection row, a commentator has claimed.

By Chris SamuelMax Parry, News Reporter

The Invictus Games Foundation 10th Anniversary Service

Prince Harry lost the armed security after stepping down as a senior royal in 2020. (Image: Getty)

The British public is "fed up" with Prince Harry "throwing toys out the pram" over his fight for taxpayer-funded security protection for his family, a commentator has claimed.

The Duke first took legal action back in 2020 when the Executive Committee for the Protection of Royalty and Public Figures (Ravec) decided he should receive a different degree of protection than other members of the Royal Family.

Harry has now been told he can appeal the verdict at the Court of Appeal, but Talk TV host Mike Graham said he, like many other Britons, is losing patience with the King's youngest son.

"I'm getting a bit fed up, as I'm sure most people in this country are with this kid refusing to take no for an answer, throwing his toys out of the pram every time he gets told he can't have something," he said.

"And using not just his own money stupidly to pay loads of lawyers, but making sure that the taxpayer is also billed to the tune of hundreds of thousands of pounds just because he can't get his own way."

A rep for the Prince has been approached for comment.


Prince Harry's 'stomach-clenching moment' revealed after missing key royal event

Prince Harry's estrangement from the Royal Family led to him missing out on the poignant 80th anniversary celebrations for D-Day, according to an expert.

On Wednesday and Thursday this week Prince William, King Charles and Queen Camilla led events to mark 80 years since Allied troops landed on the beaches at Normandy.

Princess Anne, Prince Edward and Duchess Sophie also attended special commemorative services, but Harry was forced to miss out despite his military credentials.

Royal commentator Katie Nicholl said on The Sun's Royal Exclusive show that it would have been a "pretty stomach-clenching moment" for the Duke to watch the celebrations knowing he could not take part.

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry face 'significant problem' after royal snub

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's exclusion from Trooping the Colour "is a poignant reflection of their ongoing estrangement" from the Royal Family, it's been claimed.

Harry and Meghan also did not attend last year, and a royal expert believes this shows their "estrangement from the core of the British monarchy."

Meghan Markle predicted to overshadow King’s Birthday Parade in a very telling way

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle will not be attending Trooping the Colour this year, but that doesn’t mean they will be completely sidelined, says one royal expert.

Trooping the Colour, also known as the King’s Birthday Parade, is scheduled for Saturday, June 15, and will kick off at 10:20am.

Harry and Meghan have a habit of having good news the same day as other members of the Royal Familylike Meghan announcing her new website, American Riviera Orchard, the same day as Prince William presenting at The Diana Award — which hasn’t gone unnoticed by royal commentator Kinsey Schofield.

Ms Schofield, To Di For Daily host, said: “I would not be surprised if we saw American Rivera Orchard launch a product around Trooping the Colour.”

She added: “What a bizarre thing to launch a brand at the height of a royal health crisis then not have anything tangible available for purchase for MONTHS.”

Meghan launched her lifestyle brand on March 14, but from there, things went very, very quiet. She then resurfaced at the end of April, giving out handmade jams to 50 friends and influencers to share via social media.

Royal expert says Prince Harry looks 'lonely' without Meghan

The key reason Meghan Markle and Prince Harry are unlikely to visit the UK anytime soon

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry may distance themselves further from the UK due to the Duchess of Sussex feeling rejected by the country as a whole, a PR expert has claimed.

Ronn Torossian, Founder & Chairman of 5WPR, believes the way the British people have treated the Duke and Duchess of Sussex has fuelled Meghan Markle's wish to remain in the US long-term.

Torossian told the Daily Express: "Actions speak louder than words, and we do not need a direct quote from Meghan to understand that she's not happy with how she has been received and welcomed by Britons.

"That’s not to say that she wasn’t enthusiastic about the country, the culture, or the people when she first met Harry and attempted to integrate herself into the Royal Family."

Torossian said: "Her current actions can certainly be a reaction to the rejection she’s felt from the country over the last couple of years.

"Meghan has made it clear she will do things her way without regard for how she is perceived by the Brits."

Meghan and Harry

The pair relocated to California after stepping back as senior royals in 2020. (Image: Getty)

Meghan Markle's royal transformation revealed as fans shocked at throwback snaps

A video montage of Meghan Markle's transition from an actress into the Duchess of Sussex has left fans of the Royal family in shock.

The clip, posted to TikTok, begins with throwback snaps of the 42-year-old in her days starring in the American legal drama, Suits.

Her life – and her style – began to change in 2016 after meeting her now-husband Prince Harry on a trip to London.

The pair fell in love "incredibly quickly," according to the Duke of Sussex, and they quickly entered into a long-distance relationship before Meghan relocated across the pond.

Meghan quit acting in 2017 before marrying Harry in May 2018 and embarking on what was expected to be a life of royal duties – only for the pair to announce they were stepping down in January 2020 following months of speculation of "tension" in the family.

Prince William had to take priority over Harry at wedding to avoid 'terrible headlines'

Prince William was "no question" always going to take "centre stage" at the wedding of Hugh Grosvenor, the Duke of Westminster, and Olivia Henson on June 7 at Chester Cathedral, an expert claims.

The Duke has been a close friend to both William and Prince Harry over the years, but while William served as an usher at the nuptials Harry was nowhere to be seen.

"There was never any question as to which of the brothers would take centre stage at the wedding," Royal biographer Ingrid Seward told The Mirror.

"It had to be William. Harry made it clear he wouldn't be attending having had a chat with Hugh about the awkward situation and agreeing he should be the one to step down."


William at the star-studded event this week. (Image: Getty)

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry 'want to be the next Beckhams' - expert claims

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle "would like to be" the next Beckhams but "they aren't on the same level", a royal commentator has claimed.

David Beckham and Prince Harry have reportedly enjoyed a close relationship over the years, and he and his wife were invited to the Sussexes wedding back in 2018.

And both couples have appeared in Netflix documentaries, the Beckham's film was released in October and racked up 208.5million hours in three months. The Sussexes' film was released a year earlier and in 2023 received 72.9million hours of viewing.

Meghan Markle mocks royal protocol with sign Prince Harry is left uneasy

A key moment during Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's Netflix documentary series shows how the Prince may have felt some unease at Meghan's mocking.

Following their departure from the Royal Family in 2020, the couple caused a stir with the release of their six-part revelatory series in December 2022.

In one episode the Duke and Duchess of Sussex were explaining Meghan's first meeting with the late Queen Elizabeth, as she realised she would have to curtsy to her.

Harry told the programme: "How do you explain that to people? How do you explain that you bow to your grandmother? And that you will need to curtsy. Especially to an American. That's weird."

Meghan then explained how she felt about it: "Now I'm starting to realise 'This is a big deal'. I mean, Americans will understand this... We have medieval times, dinner and tournament. It was like that."

The Netflix cameras captured the moment the Duchess appeared to gently mock her meeting with the Queen as she giggled and went into a over the top curtsy.

She greeted Harry's grandmother with the words "Pleasure to meet you, Your Majesty" while the Duke looked on, but one body language expert claimed her joking made him feel uncomfortable.

Judi James told The Mirror: "Meghan is the more chatty and natural speaker during their interview and here she sits talking confidently and readily in a slightly gossipy style as though talking to a girlfriend she is keen to amuse.

"Her joke is self-effacing as she speaks about her curtesy when she first met the late Queen. Her smile becomes asymmetric, pulling up on one side to register a shared joke.

"Harry, however, is already watching her carefully, turning to gaze at the side of her face with his own facial expression looking less turned to 'fun' than hers."

Harry and Meghan discuss wedding reception in Netflix series

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle 'very content' with Montecito life despite one big regret

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are "very content" with life in California, but the society wedding of the year will bring home to the Duke of Sussex what he has "given up", a royal commentator has said.

Katie Nicholl was commenting ahead of the Duke of Westminster's wedding at Chester Cathedral.

Hugh Grosvenor is pals with Harry and Prince William, with the Prince of Wales serving as usher as the Duke of Westminster married Olivia Henson on Friday (June 7).

Nicholl, during a discussion on the podcast Kinsey Schofield Unfiltered, said: "It's got to be moments like this where it will hit home to Harry just what he's given up, what he misses."

The royal commentator said she had spoken to a contact who had spent time with the Sussexes recently, who she claimed had told her Harry is "really happy", with both he and Meghan "very content and tight as a family unit".

Citing her source, Ms Nicholl added: "Harry's living a wonderful life and a life he's always wanted to live.

"And I thought that's really wonderful to hear - really pleased to hear that - but I'm sure there must be moments like this when he would have just got on a plane, with or without Meghan, and come over for a big society wedding like this, if he and his brother were actually on talking terms."

Meghan Markle's secret plot to become 'bigger and better' than the Royal Family revealed

Meghan Markle is "unfazed" by pushback over her recent Nigeria tour with Prince Harry and is "drawing up a new plan of attack" for further overseas trips, a source claims.

The Sussexes visited the country last month at the invitation of the country's Chief of Defence, taking part in cultural activities and meeting with service members.

Insiders claimed King Charles was "angrier than anyone has ever seen him" over the royal-style visit, but a source has told Closer the Duchess of Sussex is orchestrating a plan that will see them established in further Commonwealth nations.

Meghan and Harry aren’t surprised that the royals have found fault with their tour of Nigeria, they’re disappointed for sure, but not surprised," the insider told Closer.

"And they’re certainly not going to let their negativity stop them from arranging more tours.

According to the insider, the pair "don’t plan to limit themselves to the Commonwealth, they want to make this bigger and better than what the royals have done in the past. They’re totally unfazed by any problems this might create with the royals.”

Harry and Meghan

Harry and Meghan (Image: Getty)

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's royal feud now a 'public spectacle' after new snub

The bitter ongoing feud between Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, and the Royal Family, has turned into a "public spectacle", an expert has claimed.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are believed to have once again been left off the invite list for Trooping the Colour next weekend.

The pair have attended the annual event in years gone by - including as recently as 2022 when they watched the event in a room with other non-working royals.

But this year it doesn’t seem like they will make an appearance at Trooping the Colour next Saturday - and it’s a major issue for their status and clout, according to one expert.

Publicist Michael Levine said the snub is a “stark reminder” of the ongoing tensions within the family.

He told The Mirror: "This continued exclusion of Meghan and Harry from Trooping the Colour is a poignant reflection of their ongoing estrangement from the core of the British monarchy.

"Their absence for the second year running underscores the deep rifts that persist despite the pageantry and tradition that define the Royal Family.

"It's a stark reminder that personal conflicts can ripple through the public spectacle even in the most revered institutions."

Meghan Markle 'thinks being a controversial royal with Prince Harry has more appeal'

Meghan Markle believes being "controversial" has "more appeal" as she launches new projects, a royal expert has claimed.

Since moving to the US, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex have worked on several projects, with some coming to an abrupt end. Their Netflix docu-series first raised eyebrows after making bombshell claims about the Royal Family.

The couple also signed a multi-million pound deal with Spotify which was swiftly cancelled.

And now both Harry and Meghan are working on solo ventures, with Meghan recently announcing a new lifestyle brand. Speaking to The Mirror, royal expert and author Tom Quinn has said that ahead of the couple's trip to Nigeria this month, Meghan feels as though she has become a "Cinderella figure", with her and Harry having "more appeal".

He said the Duchess "knows that much of the world still sees the Sussexes as members of the Royal Family despite the fact that they are no longer working royals," Quinn said.

He went on: "Their tour of Nigeria will be dressed up as a quasi-royal visit – in fact, Meghan believes that as controversial royals she and Harry actually have more appeal."

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