Meghan and Harry accused of 'Hollywood hypocrisy' after hiring motorcade for 2-minute walk

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry have faced criticism since the eco-minded couple took a seven-car motorcade around the block in New York.

By Matthew Dooley, Assistant News Editor

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have been slammed for taking a seven car convoy around the block. (Image: GETTY)

Meghan Markle and have been accused of “ hypocrisy” after taking a convoy of SUVs around a New York City block.

American journalist Nelson Aspen slammed and Harry for taking a ride for what he called a “less than two-minute” walk.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex were attending the World Mental Health Day Festival last week when they enlisted seven blacked-out SUVs to take them around the block.

The couple left a garage near the Equinox Hotel, took a left on 33rd Street and looped the block ending up around 200 feet from where they started.

Aspen said of the motorcade: “It was quite a parade and as if Manhattan congestion on the road isn’t bad enough.

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Prince Harry and Meghan Markle

The Duke and Duchess took seven blacked-out SUVs to travel around 200 feet. (Image: GETTY)

“This further exacerbated it but they got there safely. I guess that’s the important thing and no one was able to get a picture of them through the blacked-out windows.”

are generally “not very impressed” by celebrities and the Sussexes are no exception, Aspen opined on GB News.

When asked if it was a faux pas to take seven vehicles around the block while arguing for a greener world, Nelson Aspen claimed it is “ hypocrisy at its finest”.

The couple have been outspoken in their support of environmental initiatives. In July 2019, they called for immediate action on climate change, insisting that "every choice, every footprint, every action makes a difference".

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They wrote in a statement posted to their official Instagram account: "There is a ticking clock to protect our planet - with climate change, the deterioration of our natural resources, endangerment of sacred wildlife, the impact of plastics and microplastics, and fossil fuel emissions, we are jeopardising this beautiful place we call home - for ourselves and for future generations.”

The couple’s appearance in together was their first joint appearance in the Big Apple since they were involved in what they branded a “near catastrophic car chase” in May.

This time, and appear to take no chances with their safety, enlisting the help of New York’s finest to guard their SUV convoy on its short journey.

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