New poll suggests Britons would support King Charles stripping back monarchy

A new poll has shown over half of readers support the Royal Family being slimmed down further during King Charles III's reign to reduce costs to the taxpayer.

By Natalie Crookham, Engagement Editor

Prince Charles: Experts on idea of 'slimmed down monarchy'

is long said to have considered the idea a “slimmed-down monarchy” under his reign, with the aim of reducing the number of working members of the dependent on public funds.

Butin the run-up to the Coronation, the King's sister, , said she , telling Canadian news network CBC News that the concept was “said in a day when there were a few more people around” She explained: “It doesn't sound like a good idea from where I'm standing, I would say. I'm not quite sure what else we can do.”

The Firm has already lost , and in recent years, while the Duke and Duchess of Gloucester, the Duke of Kent and Princess Alexandra are conducting fewer engagements due to their age.

This leaves just seven core including the King, , , , , and .

As the debate about the future of the monarchy rumbles on, of its readers to gauge whether they thought a slimmed-down monarchy might have public support.

READ MORE: Princess Anne snipes at King Charles's plans for slimmed down monarchy

King Charles III visits Sandhurst

Some 56 percent of readers have argued in favour of slimming down the Firm (Image: Dan Kitwood/Getty)

The poll — that ran from 3.15pm on Wednesday, May 3, to 10am on Thursday, May 11 — : “Should the monarchy be slimmed down?”

Overall, 2,326 votes were cast with the majority of readers, 56 percent (1,296 people) answering “yes” it should. Whereas 43 percent (997 people) said “no” and a further one percent (33 people) said they did not know.

Dozens of comments were left below the accompanying article as .

Working members of the Royal Family

Working members of the Royal Family (Image: Hugo Burnand/Buckingham Palace/Getty)

Username UKGB said: “I have no problem paying for Royals like , , , , , and – hard-working Royals. But all royals that don't work for the Firm should get nothing.”

Despite a reduction in the number of working royals in recent years, username adjutantbias said: “It could still be further slimmed down.”

While username paulj22 remarked: “They should be slimmed down to zero.”

However, username criticalthoughts argued that the Firm is “just the right size”.

Another, username JIMHO, said: “How can he slim it down further, all he really has is himself, , , , , and at the forefront of the . As for his few uncles and aunts who some may retire, he won't have much help left.”

And username Halpilk agreed, writing: “The number of working royals as it stands is ok.”

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