POLL: Should the monarchy be slimmed down? Vote and join the debate here

Princess Anne questioned whether her brother King Charles should pare back the number of working members in the Royal Family during his reign as part of plans to modernise the Firm. But what do you think?

By Natalie Crookham, Engagement Editor

Royal family 'needs to be slimmed down' says Baker

Long before he ascended the throne last September, has reportedly considered overhauling the ’s structure.

The change has been referred to as a “slimmed down” monarchy and would reduce the number of dependent upon public funds and cut back on royal staff.

The Telegraph reported after Charles ascended the throne that the King plans to cut the number of “hangers-on” in the Firm.

The King’s sister, has spoken out and said she . The Princess Royal spoke about the ’s aim in an interview with Canadian news network CBC News on Tuesday: “Well, I think the ‘slimmed down’ was said in a day when there were a few more people around.

“It doesn't sound like a good idea from where I'm standing, I would say. I'm not quite sure what else we can do.”

READ MORE: Princess Anne slams King Charles's plans for slimmed down monarchy

Royals: Charles, Camilla, William and Kate

POLL: Should the Monarchy be slimmed down? (Image: Samir Hussein/Getty)

In recent years the Firm has lost several members with , and all stepping down from their roles.

Meanwhile, the Duke and Duchess of Gloucester, the Duke of Kent and Princess Alexandra have reduced their engagements due to their age.

The King reportedly could reduce the Firm to be made up of just seven working royals including himself, , , , Anne, and .

Princess Anne

Princess Anne has said she does not think a slimmed-down Monarchy is a 'good idea' (Image: Max Mumby/Indigo/Getty)

The Princess Royal also noted that the new monarch would bring a “shift” to the way members of the work to support the King.

She explained: “ was the Queen for a very long time, and although you kind of know that this might happen, you don't really think about it very much - not least of all because the monarchy is about continuity.

“For the rest of us, it's more a question of, OK, we have to shift the way we support, and that's what we need to do.”

So what do YOU think? Should the be slimmed down? Vote in our poll and join the debate in the comment section below.

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