Prince Harry and Meghan Markle fans lash out at 'worried' Royal Family after Vax Live

PRINCE HARRY's success at a live event focused on vaccine equality and how he is appreciated around the world are a cause of concern for the Royal Family, some fans of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex believe.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

Prince Harry delivers speech at Global Citizen’s Vax Live concert

Prince Harry took the centre stage at Global Citizen's VAX Live: The Concert to Reunite the World, a live event featuring artists, politicians and leading personalities aiming to see COVID-19 vaccines distributed around the world. And he was welcomed with a roaring standing ovation from the live audience.

The positive reaction from the public, composed only of fully vaccinated people including frontline workers, led some of the fans of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex to claim Meghan and Harry's success abroad will be a matter of concern for the Royal Family.

One Twitter user shared a clip showing Prince Harry being welcomed with a standing ovation and loud cheers, adding: "This reaction for Prince Harry in California at #VaxLive is really something.

"Somehow doubt that anyone other than the Queen or his late mother would get similar."

Retweeting this message, one fan of Meghan and Harry wrote: "The Duke and the Duchess of Sussex are on a global scale, far away from our little Britain. 

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Prince Harry's success in the US is a cause of concern for the royals, according to fans of the Sussexes (Image: GETTY)

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Prince Harry delivered a speech during Vax Live (Image: GETTY)

"Now YouGov, can you do a poll of the world most popular royal couple? I stan the best couple."

The Twitter user referred to a recent survey carried out by YouGov which showed Meghan and Harry are the only key members of the Royal Family who recently saw their popularity decreasing in the UK between mid-March and April.

Another Twitter user said: "Now that’s the reaction the #royalfamily are worried about. Everyone loves #HarryandMeghan".

A third said: "True and that's why his family are jealous #PrinceHarry #ServiceisUniversal #VaxLive".  

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Prince Harry spoke about vaccine equality and praised frontline workers during his speech at Vax Live (Image: GETTY)

Finally, another said: "THIS IS WHAT SCARES THE ROYAL FAMILY #PrinceHarry #VaxLive #ServiceisUniversal".

Many fans of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex used the hashtag #ServiceIsUniversal to show their support for Harry.

This sentence referred to the brief statement issued by Meghan and Harry in February after the Queen announced they had been asked to return their royal patronages as "in stepping away from the work of The Royal Family it is not possible to continue with the responsibilities and duties that come with a life of public service".

Suggesting they did not agree with the Queen, Meghan and Harry replied saying: "We can all live a life of service. Service is universal." 


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Prince Harry now lives in California with Meghan Markle (Image: GETTY)

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Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are no longer working royals (Image: GETTY)

One supporter of the Sussexes wrote: "#PrinceHarry demonstrating that #ServiceisUniversal #VaxLive"

Other fans of the Sussexes argued the exit from the Firm of Meghan and Prince Harry marks a loss for the Royal Family but a gain for the rest of the world, and the US in particular.

One tweeted: "Your loss our gain, the whole world's gain. Respected, loved and no vile racism spotted."

Another said: "A good reminder of humanity's interdependence. Inspired to see Harry & Meghan's determination to use their influence for measurable, impactful work that will have tangible benefits for people on a global scale.   

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Prince Harry and Meghan Markle got married in 2018 (Image: EXPRESS)

"The Royal Family's loss is the world's gain. #ServiceisUniversal"

A third added: "Yeah England, this is how America has treated one of yours. Pity you couldn't do the same for one of ours."

Another wrote: "#PrinceHarry is definitely the leader on world stage".

Prince Harry made his first public appearance in the US since the funeral of his grandfather Prince Philip.

Meghan, who is pregnant with the couple's second child, was not with him on stage, but will appear in a video message during the broadcasted event on May 8.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex supported Vax Live as campaign chairs. 

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Meghan Markle will appear in a video message during Vax Live on May 8 (Image: GETTY)

In his roaring speech, Harry saluted frontline staff for the work they continue to do, saying: "Tonight is a celebration of each of you here, the vaccinated frontline workers in the audience and the millions of frontline heroes around the world.

"You spent the last year battling courageously and selflessly to protect us all.

"You served and sacrificed, put yourselves in harm’s way, and acted with bravery, knowing the costs. We owe you an incredible debt of gratitude."

He also spoke about vaccine equality, saying: "We can't leave anybody behind. We will all benefit, we will all be safer, when everyone, everywhere has equal access to the vaccine."  

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