Saucy, Sarah! Duchess of York draws on 'own sex life' for racy character in adult novel

SARAH FERGUSON has released a video to officially announce her first historical novel - Her Heart For A Compass - which "draws upon" the Duchess of York's own "unique life journey and experiences".

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

Sarah Ferguson: Lorraine discusses 'inspiration' for new book

Sarah, known among friends, fans and family as Fergie, is gearing up for the publication of her first historical novel, which details the fictional story of one of her ancestors who travels the world and falls in love during her journey. And news she would step into the world of novels for adults after having become an established writer of memoirs and children's books has set royal watchers and commentators into a frenzy.  

ITV's Lorraine said this morning during her show: "It has been reported this morning that the Duchess of York, Fergie, has written her first fictional novel.

"Her Heart For a Compass, is a fictional account of Fergie's great-great-aunt Lady Margaret, and apparently she has also taken inspiration from her own sex life - can't wait to read that, that would be quite fascinating."

Speaking about how her first historical novel came together, the Duchess of York said the protagonist of her book, named after her great-great-aunt Lady Margaret Montagu Douglas Scott, came to life while she was researching her ancestry. 

She said: "Digging into the history of the Montagu-Douglas Scotts, I first came across Lady Margaret, who intrigued me because she shared one of my given names.

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Sarah Ferguson has released a video to launch her new book (Image: SARAH FERGUSON/TWITTER)

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Sarah Ferguson's new book will be released in August (Image: HARPER COLLINS)

"But although her parents, the Duke and Duchess of Buccleuch were close friends with Queen Victoria and Prince Albert, I was unable to discover much about my namesake’s early life, and so was born the idea which became Her Heart for a Compass. 

"With real historical events and facts to hand, my imagination took over.

"I invented a history for her that incorporated real people and events, including some of my other ancestors." 

Confessing she has poured some of her life experiences into Lady Margaret's journey, Fergie continued: "I created a friendship between my heroine and Princess Louise, Queen Victoria’s sixth child, and I drew on many parallels from my life for Lady Margaret’s journey.

READ MORE: Sarah Ferguson shares retro glimpse into Royal Lodge with Youtube clip

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Sarah Ferguson and Prince Andrew on their wedding day (Image: GETTY)

"I have long held a passion for historical research and telling the stories of strong women in history through film and television.

"I am proud to bring my personal brand of historical fiction to the publishing world." 

Explaining more in-depth the work behind Lady Margaret's character and how she came to life, Harper Collins said in a statement: "Her Heart for a Compass is a fictional account of the life of the Duchess's great-great-aunt, Lady Margaret Montagu Douglas Scott.

"The narrative of Lady Margaret incorporates research into the Duchess’s heritage and draws upon her own unique life journey and experiences."


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Sarah Ferguson is an established writer of children's books (Image: HARPER COLLINS )

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Sarah Ferguson's next book's cover (Image: HARPER COLLINS)

The book, the publisher added, offers a look at Victoria England as well as into the "journey of a woman, born into the higher echelons of society, who desires to break the mould, follow her internal compass (her heart) and discover her raison d’être – and falling in love along the way." 

This morning, Fergie released a brief video on her social media accounts to further speak about her first historical novel, written in collaboration with Marguerite Kaye. 

The Duchess of York said: "Her Heart For Compass. Follow your heart - but do you dare? 

"I'm going to take you back with the wonderful Mills & Boon, Harper Collins, to 1870 to Lady Margaret. 

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Sarah Ferguson married Prince Andrew in 1986 (Image: EXPRESS)

"She loves to ride side-saddle. She is strong, she is rebellious, she's courageous."  

Fergie ended the brief clip expressing her excitement after saying the book will be released on August 3. 

The Duchess, who has already written two historical non-fiction books and has produced the critically-acclaimed TV show The Young Victoria, is also working to develop a scripted film aimed for the German public based on Princess Louise of Saxe-Gotha-Altenburg. 

Fergie's fans welcomed the news of this new book, with dozens of people rushing to congratulate on the Duchess' latest work.   

Sarah Ferguson takes inspiration from her 'own sex life' for new character in adult novel   SARAH FERGUSON has released a video to officially announce

Sara Ferguson reportedly lives at Prince Andrew's Royal Lodge (Image: GETTY)

One wrote on Instagram: "How fabulous Sarah. ‘Brave, rebellious and daring’ is what we women all need to be!" 

Another, expressing enthusiasm for the new work of fiction of the Duchess, said: "Wow how amazing can’t wait to read your book congratulations".

And a third said: "Ooh, I love a bit of historical fiction. Definitely looking forward to this."  

Fergie, who in 2020 launched her own foundation called Sarah's Trust, was stripped of her HRH style after divorcing from Prince Andrew, whom she had married in 1986. 

Despite losing her title, Sarah has continued to work with charities focused on supporting children in need as well as pursuing financial deals as a writer and producer. 

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