Prince Harry told it's a 'real shame' he isn't in the UK to help after volunteering remark

PRINCE HARRY has been criticised by a royal expert for not being in the UK to help the country during the coronavirus pandemic after he praised Britons for their charitable heart.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

Prince Harry says ‘things are better than we’re led to believe’

was chastised by a royal expert after he took part in the Declassified podcast to praise British veterans who are currently volunteering to help the NHS and the most vulnerable. Royal expert Angela Levin lashed out at the Duke of Sussex on Twitter, saying: "Real shame he is not here to help. 

"Perhaps he'll think we are not such a rotten country after all."

Prince Harry told the podcast's host, Michael Coates, he was incredibly proud to see veterans joining an army of hundreds of thousands people helping those in need at such dire times.

He said: “I want to say a huge thank you, as we all do, to all of the NHS workers and everybody that’s volunteering.  

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Prince Harry praised British volunteers during a podcast (Image: GETTY)

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Angela Levin is a royal expert (Image: TWITTER)

“Because up and down the UK, whether it’s from Dorset up to Staffordshire, there are literally hundreds of thousands of people volunteering.”

The prince addressed this selfless act by volunteers as a "wonderfully British thing".

He added: “It just makes me incredibly proud to see the Brits stepping up like this, but I really, really hope that this keeps going after coronavirus and after this whole pandemic has come to a close.”

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Prince Harry and Meghan have been delivering food parcels in LA over the past few days (Image: GETTY)

Following the interview, Prince Harry was also attacked by Professor Karol Sikora, a British oncologist.

The Duke of Sussex told Mr Coates: “I’m just so incredibly proud to see what these individuals up and down the country and across the world are doing on a day to day basis.

"I think that what is happening especially in the UK is the very best of the human spirit.

“It’s also proving that I think things are better than we’re led to believe through certain corners of the media.


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Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have relocated to Los Angeles (Image: GETTY)

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Prince Harry and Meghan stepped down as senior royals on March 31 (Image: GETTY)

“It can be very worrying when you’re sitting there and the only information you are getting is from certain news channels, but then if you are out and about or you are on the right platforms, you can really sense this human spirit coming to the forefront."

While Prince Harry appears to be speaking about the volunteering efforts more than the dangers of the pandemic itself, Prof Sikora believes these remarks are outrageous.

He said: “What are his qualifications for making these comments — other than deserting his country in its hour of need?

“I think these remarks are outrageous. 

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The line of succession to the throne (Image: EXPRESS)

“As for the media, I really don’t understand what Harry’s beef is.

"Journalists have been reporting the facts and have been doing great work in holding the Government to account.

“The media has also championed the NHS and become a key ally of doctors, nurses and key workers.

"They should be applauded, not vilified."

This isn't the first time Ms Levin takes to Twitter to criticise the Sussexes for their decision to leave the UK during the coronavirus crisis.

The royal author also commented the decision of Meghan to congratulate via video chat on people at the Hubb Community Kitchen on their latest initiative which will help to feed those in need across the UK during the pandemic.  

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Prince Harry delivering a speech at a charity event for Sentebale (Image: GETTY)

Ms Levin said: "She obviously can't bear to be out of the public eye.

"She could have helped if she had stayed in the UK."

Meghan and Harry officially stepped down as senior royals on March 31.

However, they completed their last official engagements in mid-March, when they left for Canada.

They later relocated to Los Angeles a few days before the closure of the Canadian borders.

Over the past few days, Meghan and Harry have been spotted delivering food parcels to critically ill people.

The Sussexes are collaborating with Project Angels Food, an organisation Meghan is believed to have known for years as her mother Doria Ragland is a fan of its work.    

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