ITV This Morning home segment leaves baffled viewers all making same complaint

Cat Deeley raised her eyebrows today as she and Ben Shephard heard from a feng shui expert on This Morning, while viewers were unconvinced.

This Morning: Feng shui consultant shares advice on front doors

This Morning invited feng shui expert Kimberley Gallagher into the studio to share her tips and tricks on how to create a harmonious home. The ancient Chinese art works on the assumption that harmony and balance can be achieved depending on the positioning of objects in a space and their colours.

Her advice is clearly popular with some, as she's a Sunday Times bestselling author, while she has also been described as a "moon mentor, soul alignment and spiritual coach, yoga teacher and meditation teacher". However, viewers took to Twitter to slam the "basic" advice being given, suggesting that it was conning "gullible" viewers.

During the segment, Ben Shephard quizzed the expert on what colour a front door should be painted. Cat Deeley visibly raised her eyebrows as she turned to Carolyn and waited for an answer.

Grinning broadly, the expert told the pair: "It depends on your home - your home will have its own personal elements, so send me a message and I will be able to tell you." Ben reiterated: "Send the messages in and we will personally pick the colours for you!"

The segment also saw the theory being put to the test, as people received the feng shui treatment in their own homes. However, much of the advice given was dismissed by withering viewers, with some feeling so unconvinced that they even called for Cat Deeley to be replaced or for the reinstatement of Holly Willoughby on the show.

This Morning's Cat Deeley and Ben Shephard

Cat Deeley and Ben Shephard connecting viewers with the expert (Image: ITV)

One tweeted: "@thismorning 'How did you become a feng shui expert?' 'I just fancied earning a living out of insanely gullible people...' #ThisMorning."

Another declared: "You have to feel sorry for these people who phone in to This Morning for help on basic things, how do they get by in life when there's not a tv 'expert' to guide them #ThisMorning."

Then a third chimed in: "This Feng Shui woman sounds like she read a book on Feng Shui and now thinks she’s a life coach, #thismorning."

Others shared their own ancedotes with the art form, with one tweeter revealing that a neighbour's interest in it had landed her in hot water.

Kirsty Gallagher advised on front door colours

Kirsty Gallagher advised on front door colours, but the segment wasn't for everyone (Image: ITV)

The woman had installed some gold rocks and a small Buddha statue outside her home, only to be told by the council to move it as it represented a "fire hazard".

All in all, the segment went down like a lead balloon, with viewers remaining sceptical that the practises recommended could make a difference to their lives.

Elsewhere on the show, Cat issued an apology for making a joke on Monday about having a seizure, which could have offended those with epilepsy.

She and Ben also spoke to Dianne Buswell from Strictly, who broke her silence on the Giovanni Pernice scandal, as well as her fellow pro dancer Vito Coppola.

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