Prince William tells President Obama he wants his second baby's sex to be a 'surprise'

PRINCE William told US President Barack Obama today that he and Kate want their new baby's sex to be a surprise.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

The Duchess of Cambridge is met by Chirlane McCray GETTY/PA

The Duchess of Cambridge was met by Chirlane McCray at the children's centre

The Duke of Cambridge went to the White House for the first time and met the President in the Oval Office in Washington DC.

He revealed that, as with the birth of Prince George 16 months ago, he and the Duchess, who is five months pregnant with their second child and due to give birth in late April, have asked not to be informed whether it is a boy or girl.

William, 32, told Mr Obama that he was so excited last time around, he forgot initially to find out whether George was a boy or a girl.

"We want a surprise. Last time, I remember when George was born, I actually forgot to work out if it was a boy or girl.

"The excitement of the event and everything else ­ it was chaos," he said.

"You are suddenly... well actually it's a boy. So now, it's good.

"It's going to be a busy year," he added.

Prince William meets with US President Barack ObamaPA

Prince William meets with US President Barack Obama

Kate was warmly welcomed by New York's first ladyAP

Kate was warmly welcomed by New York's first lady

The royal couple carried out solo engagements, as William went to the nation's capital while Kate, 32, stayed in New York, beginning her day by visiting a child development centre in the tough Harlem district of the city.

She shook hands warmly with New York City's  First Lady Chirlane McCray before they entered the Northside Center for Child Development in Harlem.

In chilly -2C temperatures, the pregnant Duchess, whose hair was half swept back, wore a £680 black Washington coat by Goat with white edging, black gloves, thick tights and high heels.

The centre provides educational and mental health services to about 3,300 vulnerable children and families each year, focusing on the early intervention that Kate has supported in Britain through her patronage of the charity Place2Be.

The pregnant Duchess waves to cheering crowdsINFPHOTO.COM

The pregnant Duchess waves to cheering crowds

The Duchess stops to speak to well-wishersAP

The Duchess stops to speak to well-wishers

Last time, I remember when George was born , I actually forgot to work out if it was a boy or girl

Prince William

Kneeling down to talk to the children, Kate helped them wrap presents and took part in a craft session. Some of them, aged only four, were not exactly sure who she was, however.

"They all think that the Princess is just the Princess Elsa from the movie Frozen who is coming by to see them, to play with them because they are so special," said teacher Kenia Paulema.

It is the royal couple's first visit to the US east coast. In 2011 they visited California but they have never been to New York or Washington before.

In Washington, after meeting President Obama and his Vice President Joe Biden, William delivered a major speech on the illegal wildlife trade and urged nations to redouble their efforts to combat the poachers endangering the future of species such as elephants, rhino and tigers.

He described the trade in animal parts such as elephant tusk and rhino horn for ivory, trinkets, and Asian medicine, as one of the world's "most insidious forms of corruption".

Kate was her usual smiley self on the excursionPA

Kate was her usual smiley self on the excursion

He stressed that in China, which he will visit in March to campaign on the issue with the full support of the Chinese government,  and South East Asia, the wholesale price of ivory has risen from five dollars (£3) to 2,100 dollars (£1,346) per kilogram in 25 years and poaching has increased as a result.

Later William was attending a reception co-hosted by former US secretary of state Hillary Clinton and her daughter Chelsea from the Clinton Foundation and William on behalf of his Royal Foundation.

The event will recognise the work of the wildlife conservation charity Tusk Trust, of which William is patron, and the organisations who are partners in United For Wildlife, while the Clinton Foundation is working with other groups to tackle wildlife trafficking.

Their evening was due to end courtside at an NBA basketball game in the New York suburb of Brooklyn, watching local team the Brooklyn Nets take on the Cleveland Cavaliers.

Their prime seats close to the action are priced at thousands of dollars but usually cannot be bought as they are prestige places for celebrity supporters, who include rapper Jay Z and his wife Beyonce.

After her trip to Harlem, the Duchess charmed guests including British actor Matthew Rhys at an intimate lunch for nine successful expats at the residence of British Consul General Danny Lopez and his wife Susan. 

She looked relaxed as she asked them about their achievements and life in the Big Apple in the official residence ­ a vast penthouse apartment in midtown Manhattan.

The Duchess helped wrap Christmas presents at the centrePA

The Duchess helped wrap Christmas presents at the centre

This is the royal couple's first trip to New York and WashingtonAP

This is the royal couple's first trip to New York and Washington

Rhys, the Welsh actor who played Dylan Thomas in The Edge of Love and currently stars in the hit US series The Americans, said he was lost for words after meeting her. 

He said: "My mind went blank and I wondered what I would talk to her about, but she's very good at putting you at ease ­ she asked a lot of questions. 

"I asked her what she thought of the freezing weather here and she said she was used to it." 

Rebecca Lowe, who presents NBC's coverage of the Premier League, was also starstruck. 

She said: "I''ve got a bit of a girl crush on the Duchess, I can't stop looking at her hair. 

"She's just wonderful and everything I thought she would be. She's so engaged, but she's just a normal human being. 

"She said she had a lovely time in Harlem." 

Kate also spoke to Colin Callender, the Emmy and Tony Award-winning producer behind TV hits including The Missing, The White Queen and the forthcoming adaptation of Hilary Mantel's Wolf Hall, which stars Mark Rylance, Damien Lewis and Jonathan Pryce. 

He told her about his recent Broadway production of Macbeth, starring Kenneth Branagh.

She asked him: "Did it go down well here? Were there sell-out performances?" 

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge Launch A Charm Offensive On New York

He said: "It's great that she's here.

"This is another great way of raising the profile of all the work we are doing." 

Rish Mitra, chief executive of Blippar ­ an app that allows you to  download information on any object just by pointing a camera at it ­ demonstrated it for the Duchess on a framed Andy Warhol print of the Queen hanging on the wall. 

The app, launched in 2011, now has 50 million users worldwide. 

He said: "I'm very excited about meeting the Duchess. The Royal Family is a great brand ambassador for Britain. 

"Their involvement in charity is phenomenal and I would love to work with them." 

Kate, who suffered from acute morning sickness in the early stages of her pregnancy, did not drink anything at the reception before lunch. 

On the menu was a pressed vegetable terrine infused with herbs, poached salmon with dill hollandaise sauce and lemon pearl barley risotto and sautéed vegetables. 

For dessert, guests enjoyed apple and rhubarb crumble with ice cream.

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