Prince Harry and Meghan's 'sideshow' slammed amid claims celebrities are avoiding them

Prince Harry and Meghan's A-list circle of friends are "dropping like flies", it's claimed, after a number of high profile stars "turn down invites".

By Mieka Smiles, News Reporter

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It's claimed that the Sussexes' celebrity friends are avoiding them (Image: Getty)

Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan’s A-list friends are “dropping like flies” as celebrities avoid them. Those are the new claims from Paul Burrell, who worked as the former butler to Princess Diana.

He has has opened up on how he feels about the controversy surrounding the Sussexes. It’s been reported that George Clooney and his wife Amal, along with Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom, have turned down recent invites from the pair.

Burrell, who appeared on I'm A Celebrity, also claimed Americans are starting to view the pair as a "side show". Paul said: "Back in the day, the A-listers were riding on the moment - Harry and Meghan were the most popular couple in the country at one time, when they got married, but there’s since been a decline," reports Closer.

There are also rumours that David and Victoria Beckham have been ignored by Meghan. Paul explained: "Harry and Meghan’s circle is getting smaller and smaller.

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Prince Harry and Meghan have had invites turned down according to reports (Image: Getty)

“I think the A-list stars are dropping like flies. Some already have done - Oprah no longer seems involved with them and some other celebrities have also dropped them."

Meanwhile, royal biographer Tom Quinn said the the Duke and Duchess of Sussex could be dealt a devastating blow if they were to lose their lucrative Netflix deal.

Amid swirling rumours, there's talk that their five-year agreement with the streaming giant, set for renewal in 2024, might be axed. Tom said they "would find it impossible to recover from the blow".

He said: "It's very likely to be a repeat of the problem with the couple's Spotify contract which came to an abrupt end in 2023 after Harry and Meghan failed, according to a Spotify spokesperson, to meet 'productivity benchmarks',".

But at the moment Mehgan seems hopeful for business success with her new venture American Riviera Orchard.

He added: "It's always been Meghan's dream to build a hugely successful commercial enterprise and she is still convinced even after the Spotify debacle that she has the drive and talent to make this happen.

“The loss of the Netflix contract would be a major blow and one from which it would be all but impossible to recover.”

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