Meghan Markle faces huge court showdown with sister Samantha in 'defamation' row

Meghan Markle's estranged half-sister Samantha Markle has accused the Duchess of defaming her during a 2021 Oprah interview and her 2022 Netflix docuseries.

By Matthew Dooley, Assistant News Editor

Meghan Markle.

Meghan Markle's half-sister is attempting to take a defamation claim to trial. (Image: GETTY)

Meghan Markle's estranged half-sister was in a Florida court on Wednesday in an attempt to secure a trial against the Duchess of Sussex.

Samantha Markle, 58, claims that , 42, defamed her during a as well as in a 2022 Netflix docuseries released by her and her husband Prince Harry.

is the daughter of Meghan's father, Thomas Markle, who married Meghan's mum Doria Ragland after Samatha and her brother Thomas were born.

She of implying she is an "imposter" and a "charlatan" in her interviews for Netflix and with the TV megastar.

Samantha is seeking damages in her claim against Meghan exceeding $75,000 claiming that the Duchess's comments caused her to lose out on book sales for The Diary of Princess Pushy's Sister as well as .

Samantha Markle.

Samantha Markle is attempting to bring the case to trial in Florida. (Image: Channel 5)

Samantha's lawyer, Peter Ticktin, has claimed that his client is afraid to leave her house due to the harassment she allegedly received after Meghan's interviews. Samantha suffers from multiple sclerosis and uses a wheelchair.

Michel Kump, Meghan's lawyer, said that arguing that none of Meghan's statements were defamatory.

He said: "This has always been a lawsuit in search of a viable claim. The case has failed because it runs head first up against defamation law and the First Amendment."

The case was originally brought in March 2022 and was dismissed a year later after a judge found that Meghan was expressing "an opinion about her childhood and her relationship with her half-sibling".

Meghan Markle

Samantha Markle claims her sister's Oprah interview and Netflix series caused her social harm. (Image: GETTY)

Samantha is now trying to bring the claim to trial in . Judge Charlene Honeywell is expected to rule whether the case can proceed to trial in the coming weeks.

The Duchess's half-sister said she was "optimistic" about the case going to trial.

She told The US Sun: "I think the truth stands on its own, so I'm optimistic and thankful that we have a justice system that gives us the chance to present the facts."

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