Royal POLL: Do you think Royal Family is becoming too political?

MEMBERS of the Royal Family are increasingly expected to comment on issues they once kept their distance from. Do you think the Royal Family is becoming too political? Vote in our poll.

By Natalie Crookham, Engagement Editor

Royal family face crisis once the Queen's reign ends says expert

The Royal Family are expected to be impartial and refrain from sharing personal opinions concerning political matters. However, some members have spoken out on issues which could be seen to push the boundary.


Expressing his opinion in The Telegraph, columnist Nick Timothy wrote this week: “So far, the Royal Family has limited its political pronouncements to what it probably deems matters of consensus.”

He noted how Prince William had made statements about the importance of mental health services and Prince Charles had spoken on the danger of climate change.

Mr Timothy argued that the danger of politics for the monarchy is  “the adoption by the Royals of seemingly safe political positions”.

He said: “It matters little if today an issue is one of consensus: if the politics changes, our future monarchs will speak only for one side of a political divide and against another.

“Nor does it matter if they are in the right…because the monarchy must unite us by rising above division.”

Prince Charles

Do you think the Royal Family is becoming too political? (Image: Getty)

Members of the Royal Family are also confronted by politics on a daily basis as they carry out their duties.

In October last year, Charles urged Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison to attend the COP26 climate summit. 

It is reported that Charles was aware he could be accused of meddling but he felt action was needed. 

During their recent tour of the Caribbean in March, William and Kate, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, were faced with anti-Commonwealth protests. 

William spoke of his “profound sorrow” over Britain's role in the slave trade but stopped short of an apology.

Additionally, the Queen made a “generous donation” to a fundraising appeal to support Ukraine at the start of March, a week after Russia invaded Ukraine. 

The Disasters Emergency Committee, a group of 15 charities, thanked the Queen for her support and undisclosed amount. 

Her donation was one of several shows of support for Ukraine by the Royal Family. 

So what do YOU think? Do you think the Royal Family is becoming too political? Vote in our poll and leave your thoughts in the comment section below.

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