Young royals accused of being ‘too political’ – ‘should follow Queen’s example’

THE ROYAL FAMILY is becoming too political, according to a new poll of readers.

By Natalie Crookham, Engagement Editor

Prince Charles meets with Canadian PM Justin Trudeau

Members of the Royal Family are expected to refrain from sharing personal opinions on political matters. However, some members have spoken out on issues they care about which could be seen to push their impartiality.

Sharing his thoughts in The Telegraph, columnist Nick Timothy wrote this week: “So far, the Royal Family has limited its political pronouncements to what it probably deems matters of consensus.”

He referenced Prince William’s comments about the importance of mental health and Prince Charles’s views on the environment and climate change.

Mr Timothy argued that there is a danger that the Royal Family are adopting “seemingly safe political positions”.

He said: “It matters little if today an issue is one of consensus: if the politics changes, our future monarchs will speak only for one side of a political divide and against another.

“Nor does it matter if they are in the right…because the monarchy must unite us by rising above division.”

Sharing his thoughts in The Telegraph, columnist Nick Timothy wrote this week: “So far, the Royal Family has limited its political pronouncements to what it probably deems matters of consensus.”

He referenced Prince William’s comments about the importance of mental health and Prince Charles’s views on the environment and climate change.

Mr Timothy argued that there is a danger that the Royal Family are adopting “seemingly safe political positions”.

He said: “It matters little if today an issue is one of consensus: if the politics changes, our future monarchs will speak only for one side of a political divide and against another.

“Nor does it matter if they are in the right…because the monarchy must unite us by rising above division.”

Prince Charles

Prince Charles has spoken out on climate change (Image: Chris Jackson/Getty)

In a poll that ran from 10am on Tuesday, May 17, to 1pm on Thursday, May 19, asked: “Do you think Royal Family is becoming too political?”

In total, 2,354 people cast their votes and dozens left comments sharing their thoughts below the accompanying article.

Overall, a slight majority – 58 percent (1,359 people) – answered “yes”, the Royal Family is becoming too political.

Meanwhile, 40 percent (952 people) of respondents said “no” and two percent (43 people) said they did not know.

In the comments, many thought that the Royal Family needed to stay out of politics. 

Username Beaglebaby wrote that they were “definitely being too political lately”.

And username Adna said: “The Queen has and does stay out of politics, they should follow suit.”

Some readers thought that Charles’s views on climate change were too political.

In October last year, Charles encouraged Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison to attend the COP26 climate summit. 

It is reported that Charles knew he could be accused of meddling but thought that his actions were necessary.

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William, Kate and Harry

William has spoken about mental health (Image: Nicky J Sims/Getty)

Username erik said: “Charles is getting far too involved with climate change and the politics of it.”

However, username FaerieQueene said: “Charles has always spoken out about things that matter very much to him (including climate change) but not aggressively.”

They continued: “William has spoken about mental health – why is that a surprise he, Kate and Harry all supported Heads Together. 

“Being involved in both it's hardly surprising he talks about mental health. How is that political?”

Another, username petitprintemps said: “They should remain neutral when it's none of their businesses but when it comes to right or wrong situations, they should stand up and speak the truth and give those who are oppressed a voice and support.”

Others commented that they thought the Royal Family should be allowed to speak and express an opinion on some matters.

Username JIMHO said: “I think they are entitled to their opinion on current affairs issues. As long as they don't interfere with the running of the everyday running of the British Parliament and those of the Commonwealth I see no issue.”

And username lisa121 said: “Of course, they have an opinion. It is ridiculous to pretend otherwise.”

While username Pickieveek said: “Everything has become too political – royals can't avoid it.”

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