Royal rivalry: The reason Prince George is jealous of Princess Charlotte during lockdown

KATE, Duchess of Cambridge made a surprise appearance on ITV's This Morning on Thursday and gave an insight into life in lockdown with three young children. But why is Prince George jealous of younger sister Princess Charlotte?

By Georgina Laud, Engagement Editor

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The is on lockdown much like the rest of the UK, isolating in their homes up and down the country. , and their three young children are staying in their Anmer Hall home in Norfolk. On Thursday, Kate opened up about life in lockdown with a six-year-old, five-year-old and two-year-old.

Speaking to This Morning hosts Holly Willoughby and Phillip Schofield via video chat, Kate explained how it was hard” to explain what’s going on in the world to Prince George and Princess Charlotte.

Kate said they are trying to keep in touch with their family explaining: "It’s really hard and actually we hadn’t done a huge amount of FaceTime and face calls and things like that.

“But obviously we’re doing that a lot more now and actually it’s been really great.”

She added: “We try and check in daily with family members and speak to them about news and things like that.

Read More: Kate and Prince William make adorable change to social media accounts

Royal rivalry: Prince George and Princess Charlotte

Royal rivalry: Why is Prince George jealous of his younger sister? (Image: PA)

Royal rivalry: Kate Middleton on This Morning

Royal rivalry: Kate spoke with Holly and Phil on This Morning on Thursday (Image: ITV)

“In some ways I suppose we’ve got a lot more contact and a lot more face time than perhaps we would’ve done before.”

“But it is difficult, it’s hard to explain to a five and a six, nearly seven-year-old, what’s going on.

“But the schools are being great at supporting them as well. Hard times, but we’ve got the support out there I think.”

Both Charlotte and George attend Thomas's School in Battersea, but have been learning at home since the end of March.

Royal rivalry: Kate Middleton via video link on This Morning

Royal rivalry: Kate revealed homeschooling George and Charlotte has been hard at times (Image: ITV)

However, Kate said homeschooling has been tricky as George, six, is jealous of the classwork Charlotte, five, gets to do.

She said: "George gets very upset because he wants to do Charlotte's projects. Because making things like spider sandwiches is far cooler than doing literacy work!"

George is in Year One at Thomas's and so is facing trickier tasks than his sister, who is in the Reception class at the school.

Kate and William have both been helping their children with schoolwork during the lockdown, telling BBC Breakfast in April they had even kept work going during the Easter Holidays.

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Kate said: "Don't tell the children, we've actually kept it going through the holidays. I feel very mean."

William described teaching their children at home as "fun" while Kate said it was "challenging".

The Cambridges have had a busy few weeks of late, with two birthdays in the family.

Prince Louis turned two years old on April 23, and Princess Charlotte celebrated her fifth birthday on May 2.

Royal rivalry: Prince George and Princess Charlotte school

Royal rivalry: Prince George and Princess Charlotte attend Thomas's Battersea (Image: PA)

To commemorate both birthdays pictures of the two royals were shared on the Kensington Royal's Twitter and Instagram.

For Louis' birthday, pictures of the youngster with rainbow-painted hands were released.

The adorable tot could then be seen rubbing the paint on his face and laughing as he did so.

For Princess Charlotte's birthday, pictures of the now five-year-old helping to deliver food parcels to the Cambridge's local community were released.

The Cambridges had cooked fresh pasta and added more food items to bags to give out to those in need.

Both Kate and William have been keeping in touch with their charities and patronages from home, using video calls to do so. 

Now, the Duchess of Cambridge is asking Britons to submit photographs which capture their lives during the ongoing lockdown .

The most poignant pictures will be chosen to be shown as part of an exhibition later this year, which the public can view online.

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