Rishi Sunak urged to recall Parliament to ‘sort out mess’ of NHS – YOU VOTED

The NHS is facing pressure this winter from the "twindemic" of rising flu and COVID-19 cases, Step A fears, a backlog from the pandemic, and worker strikes.

By Natalie Crookham, Engagement Editor

Rishi Sunak faces question on NHS crisis

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has been criticised by the opposition over his decision not to recall Parliament to discuss the NHS crisis. Health officials have warned up to 500 people are dying each week due to delays in the service. Parliament is due to return from their recess on Monday, January 9, but Express.co.uk readers argue this should have been brought forward.

Deputy leader of the Liberal Democrats Daisy Cooper slammed Mr Sunak and Health Secretary Steve Barclay for being “nowhere to be seen” during the crisis and urged the Government to declare a major incident.

She said: “This is a national crisis and the country will never forgive the Government if they refuse to recall Parliament.”

Labour’s Shadow Health Secretary Wes Streeting said the situation with the NHS was “completely inexplicable” and told BBC Radio 4's PM programme that the NHS was “actively deterring” people from going to A&E “because they are overwhelmed”.

The Doctors' Association UK wrote to the Prime Minister on Wednesday, calling for MPs to return, writing: “The NHS is broken. Patients are dying and staff are suffering moral injury from the appalling conditions. We are desperately in need of meaningful action from our leaders and this cannot wait. 

“We therefore call on the government to immediately recall members of parliament from their Christmas recess to the House of Commons to hold an emergency debate on the state of the NHS.”

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Rishi Sunak and stressed nurse

Rishi Sunak has been criticised for not recalling Parliament to help the NHS (Image: Getty)

In a poll that ran from 10.30am on Thursday, January 5, to 10.30am on Friday, January 6, Express.co.uk asked readers: “Should Rishi Sunak recall Parliament over NHS chaos?”

Overall, 1,774 readers cast their votes with the vast majority, 76 percent (1,353 people) answering “yes” in support of Parliament returning from recess earlier.

In contrast, 23 percent (410 people) said “no” Mr Sunak should not recall Parliament to help manage the NHS crisis, and a further 11 people said they did not know either way.

Dozens of comments were left below the accompanying article as readers shared their thoughts on the Government’s response to the NHS chaos.

Some readers argued that Parliament needed to be recalled, with username Robot216 writing: “Should be in House whenever we are in a crisis, whenever there is a need”

Another, username london town. said: “Come on Sunak do your job and sort it out, the MPs are needed back in Parliament now to sort out the mess that is ongoing.”

While username 62andcounting wrote: “Everyone goes back to work after the new year, so should parliament.”

Another, commented that a general election was needed to help the NHS. Username BlueWall said: “Recall Parliament, call a general election and get in a Government that knows how to run an economy and fund public services properly. The Tories caused the ‘crisis’ in the NHS – its time for them to go.”


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Ambulances queue

The NHS is facing additional pressure this winter (Image: Getty)

NHS nurse stressed

he Doctors' Association UK wrote to the Prime Minister this week calling for MPs to return (Image: Getty)

Cancer treatment crisis as 18,000 on waiting list in 'heartbreaking' NHS figures

Over 18,000 patients who have been given an urgent referral for suspected cancer in the last year waited at least 100 days to start treatment.

According to charities, the figures which have doubled since the pandemic are having catastrophic consequences.

Whereas other readers thought that there was no need to end the Parliamentary recess early, with username rogerthedog writing: “I fail to see what benefit recalling Parliament would be.”

Similarly, username peterbraithewaite said: “Monday is soon enough.”

Meanwhile, some thought there was no “quick fix” to help the NHS. Username Bill Klinton said: “Absolutely no point. The NHS has been unfit for purpose for over 30 years and there is no magic bullet or quick fix. The footprint needs to be dismantled and rebuilt to meet future needs and recalling parliament won't help.”

And username Ipanema added: “No, it is pointless, they have had 13 years to fix things.”

Rishi Sunak delivers five-point plan

Rishi Sunak has pledged to cut NHS waiting lists (Image: Getty)

Mr Barclay has blamed the “massive pressure” on the NHS on high cases of flu, Covid, and fears about Strep A. He said the situation was not acceptable and that structural issues within the service needed to be addressed.

The Prime Minister’s official spokesman said the Government had warned the public in advance that this winter would be “extremely challenging” in the NHS because of the fall-out from the pandemic and the backlog of cases.

During his first speech of the year, Mr Sunak outlined five promises he wants the public to judge his premiership on. As part of this, he pledged to prove that the service is a priority by cutting NHS waiting lists.

He said: “We all share the same objective when it comes to the NHS: to continue providing high quality, responsive healthcare for generations to come. And that’s what we are going to deliver. Our vision of change will revitalise every aspect of our lives – better jobs, stronger communities, world-class education, an NHS built around patients.”

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