POLL: Should Rishi Sunak recall Parliament over NHS chaos?

Health officials have warned that as many as 500 people are dying each week due to delays and problems accessing urgent and emergency care from the NHS.

By Natalie Crookham, Engagement Editor

Rishi Sunak faces question on NHS crisis

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has been encouraged to recall Parliament to help manage the escalating NHS crisis. Deputy leader of the Liberal Democrats Daisy Cooper slammed Mr Sunak and Health Secretary Steve Barclay for being “nowhere to be seen” as the health service struggles to manage the “twindemic” of rising flu and COVID-19 cases alongside backlogs and worker strikes. So do you think Parliament should be recalled? Vote in our poll.


Rishi Sunak and ambulance worker

POLL: Should Rishi Sunak recall Parliament over NHS chaos? (Image: Getty)

Ms Cooper said: “The NHS is collapsing in front of our eyes whilst the [Prime Minister and Health Secretary] are nowhere to be seen. Parliament must be recalled and a national major incident declared to put the NHS back on a pandemic-style footing.”

READ MORE: Rishi Sunak urged to recall Parliament as NHS chaos escalates

The Doctors' Association UK wrote to Mr Sunak on Wednesday, calling for MPs to return from their break before Monday, January 9. Their letter read: “The NHS is broken. Patients are dying and staff are suffering moral injury from the appalling conditions. We are desperately in need of meaningful action from our leaders and this cannot wait. 

“We therefore call on the government to immediately recall members of parliament from their Christmas recess to the House of Commons to hold an emergency debate on the state of the NHS.”

During his first speech of the year, Mr Sunak acknowledged that there were “challenges” in the health service but said the Government was taking “urgent action” to help tackle demand including increasing NHS funding.

The British Medical Association has accused the Government's “political choices” of leading to patients “dying unnecessarily”.

So what do YOU think? Should the Prime Minister recall Parliament over NHS chaos? Vote in our poll and leave your thoughts in the comment section below.

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