'Best' method to water lavenders for 'healthy and thriving' plants this summer

Lavender plants are popular garden plants that can either be planted in the ground or in containers. While lavenders are easy to look after and drought-tolerant, watering them can be tricky.

By Millie Bull, Deputy Lifestyle Editor

A woman with a watering can, takes care of lavender in her garden.

Lavender plants are known for their heady scent, pretty purple flowers and silvery foliage (Image: Getty)

Lavender plants are known for their heady scent, pretty purple flowers and silvery foliage.

The plants look particularly good in cottage gardens but are a popular feature in most British gardens.

Lavenders are easy to care for because they are drought-tolerant and don't need a lot of attention.

However, the plants need watering carefully to avoid fungal diseases and root rot.

According to Susan Betz, herb expert, author and member of the International Herb Association, lavender plants need to be watered at certain times of day to avoid "fungal disease".

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Rather than waiting until the evening, Susan said the "best time" to water them is in the morning.

When watering, gardeners need to avoid wetting the plant's foliage as this could "encourage fungal disease".

Potted lavenders need to be watered even more carefully as too much water could harm the plant.

Lavenders in containers need watering more often than those in the ground but this doesn't mean gardeners should go overboard.

Tabar Lindsay Gifford, Customer Experience & Partnership Cultivator for American Meadows, said that overwatering is one of the most common mistakes people make when caring for lavenders.

She said: "Lavenders in pots do need to be watered regularly but let them dry out completely between waterings.

"It’s best to do deep and less frequent waterings to keep your lavenders happy, healthy and thriving."

Before watering lavenders in containers, stick two fingers in the compost to check the moisture levels.

Even if the plant looks dry, it could be surprisingly wet below the surface.

A rule of thumb to follow is to allow the plant to dry out completely every two weeks before giving it a thorough water.

When watering, it should come out of the bottom of the pot where the drainage holes are.

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