'I'm a gardening expert – here's what you should be doing to your plants this month'

If you're looking to make the most of your outdoor space as the weather warms up, you'll want to take heed of one gardener's vital June tips.

Grandparents and granddaughter gardening together

There are things you should be doing to your plants this month (Stock Image) (Image: Getty)

There are many jobs you can do during June to ensure your garden is looking gorgeous for the rest of the summer months.

As the weather reaches scorching temperatures, people will want their outdoor spaces to look lovely, with plenty of blooms and well-watered plants.

Thankfully gardener Michael, who posts on TikTok as @themediterraneangardener, has explained the jobs you need to be doing to keep everything in check.

First up, Michael recommended you “tie in the new stems of climbing and rambling roses horizontally to encourage more flowers”.

He also said it was the “perfect time” to take “softwood cuttings from plants like hydrangeas, which will root fast”.


June Gardening Jobs Tie in new stems of climbing and rambling roses to their supports, to encourage more flowers. It's also the perfect time to take softwood cuttings of hydrangeas. Select non-flowering shoots, which will root fast. Continue planting summer bedding in pots and borders. Water regularly to help plants establish and pinch out the tips to encourage bushier growth. Give container displays and hanging baskets a liquid feed every few weeks to encourage flowering Move citrus fruits outside now that the temperatures have warmed up Prune your olive trees to encourage new growth Water plants daily in warm weather, ideally in the evening or early morning watering at the base Check the soil first but you'll likely need to Water your house plants more regularly as the temperatures warm and light levels increase. Some house plants are particularly prone to collecting dust on their leaves. So be sure to give these a wipe regularly. #garden #gardening

original sound - Michael - Gardening tips

Michael said it’s a good idea to “continue planting summer bedding plants in pots and borders”, recommending that you “pinch out the tips to encourage bushier growth”.

If you have container displays and hanging baskets adorning your garden, it’s also a good idea to give them a “liquid feed every few weeks”, in order to “encourage flowering”.

If you have citrus trees, “move [them] outside now the temperatures have warmed up”, and make sure you “prune your olive trees to encourage new growth”.

Plants also need a daily watering in warm weather, ideally “in the early morning or evening” to avoid the plants scorching. Also make sure you water them at the base, and not over the top.

And Michael reminds you to show your houseplants some love too, as they need “watering more regularly” as the weather is warmer.

“While you’re there, give the leaves a wipe down to improve their health,” he suggested.

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