Get rid of ants from your home naturally with a £7 trick that will banish them forever

Ants become more active in the summer months, but there's a natural solution to banishing them forever.

candy ant on sugar spoon inside the kitchen, house pest, urban pest

Ants become more active in the summer months. (Image: Getty)

Dealing with pests over summer can be a real nuisance, but thankfully there are natural alternatives you can use to keep them away.

These options not only work well to deter ants, but they are also less harmful to the environment.

According to research by the Journal of Bioassays, when used as a repellent, herbal extracts were "highly effective" at keeping insects away.

Plant extract mixtures including cucumber-mint (100 per cent), lemon-garlic, and all plant mixture extracts at 10 per cent worked to keep ants away.

The conclusion stated: “It was found to be a highly effective and promising ant repellent.”

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These extracts can be purchased on Amazon for as low as £7, and a single bottle is likely to last you all season.

Homeowners can create a simple repellent by soaking cotton balls or small pieces of cloth in a mixture of these natural ingredients and placing them in areas where ants are commonly found.

The scent of the repellent acts as a deterrent, keeping pests away from the treated areas.

Experts at Pest UK warn that ant colonies become more active as the weather gets warmer.

“Ants are cold-blooded insects so their body temperature is influenced by the environment,” says Pest UK

“Warmer temperatures provide them with the necessary energy to be active and forage for food.”

“As they reproduce they will expand their nest to accommodate the growing population,” added Pest UK.

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