Calls for cyclists to pay road tax and MOT – ‘Need to be held accountable for actions’

CYCLISTS should not have priority on the roads over drivers and should be subject to the same laws as other road users, according to a new poll of readers.

By Natalie Crookham, Engagement Editor

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The new Highway Code and the ability for police to fine motorists for dangerous driving around cyclists have renewed the debate over who should have priority on Britain’s roads. From January, cyclists were issued with fresh guidance in the Highway Code update to ride in the centre of a lane on quieter roads, in slower-moving traffic and at the approach to junctions to make themselves as clearly visible as possible.

They were also reminded that they can ride two abreast, as has always been the case as it enables them to be safer in large groups or when riding with children.

Bryn Brooker, head of road safety at Nextbase, told “All road users should follow the Highway Code, and motorists should take additional caution around more vulnerable road users, such as cyclists or pedestrians.

“The new Highway Code changes, which changes the hierarchy of the road, mean the responsibility is with motorists more than ever.

“They must now take extra caution when overtaking or passing vulnerable road users.

“Where motorists cannot prove they acted properly, it is likely they will take most, if not all, responsibility for damages after an incident.”

As a result, asked readers’ opinions on who should have priority on Britain’s roads.

In a poll that ran from 1pm on Monday, May 9, to 3pm on Wednesday, May 11, asked: “Do you think cyclists should own the road or should drivers have priority?”

A total of 6,264 people cast their votes and overall, 93 percent (6,042 people) said “Drivers should have priority”.

Meanwhile, a further six percent (363 people) said “Cyclists should have priority”.

Just one percent (59 people) said they did not know who should have priority.

Hundreds of comments were left below the accompanying article with readers participating in a lively discussion.

Cyclist on road

Calls for cyclists to pay road tax and MOT (Image: Leonardo Patrizi/Getty)

Many were against cyclists having priority over motorists on the road with one reader, username Warwick Shire writing: “Motorists surely have priority due to numbers.”

Some thought that motorists deserved priority due to the tax and insurance paid on vehicles.

Username Trudi432 said: “Drivers should have priority, they have paid exorbitant amounts of money to use them, cyclists pay nothing.”

Username Djer1320 said: “The cyclists pay nothing for the roads and expect the most.”

And username RobG666 said: “Whilst I agree with trying to keep everyone safe, cyclists need to have more accountability for their actions.”

Others agreed in their comments that cyclists should have to pay for insurance.

Username John Pettitt said: “They are just the same as motorcycles and should have insurance, number plates and pay a small tax.”

Another, username crimsom said: “All cyclists on the road should have a licence, insurance, road tax, and personal protection clothing. All bikes should have a number plate and MOT.”

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And username Ricky1954 said: “Cyclists that use the road should be subject to the same tax, mot rules and insurance that every driver that uses the roads has to pay.”

Some said that cyclists and motorists needed to act responsibly on the roads like username timeboy1 who said: “NO ONE should have priority ALL should treat each other with respect.”

Likewise, username ProfoundPaul wrote: “Neither cyclists nor motorists should ‘own the road’, both should use the roads with consideration for all other users.”

While username razorage wrote: “Of course drivers should take care and if necessary give way to other road users to avoid injury, but so should cyclists be aware of the problems they cause.”

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