ITV Coronation Street's Kevin Webster faces jail over latest deepfake scandal

Coronation Street viewers will be on the edge of their seats as another popular character on the cobbles is embroiled in the deepfake scandal.

Is Kevin Webster facing jail in Coronation Street?

Is Kevin Webster facing jail in Corrie as the deep fake scandal intensifies? (Image: ITV)

Coronation Street's Abi Franklin (played by Sally Carman) was publicly humiliated recently after deep fake porn videos emerged of her online - and it has felt as though the entire population of Weatherfield have been sniggering at her expense. However, now her partner Kevin Webster (played by Michael Le Vell) is about to enter the firing line, as the lines between fact and fiction, real and fake, become increasingly blurred.

In an episode to be aired next Friday (June 21), viewers will be on the edges of their seats as they learn that Kevin could now face jail. A video has emerged of him breaking into a man's office, something which resident police officer Craig Tinker (Colson Smith) isn't likely to take lightly - but is the footage real or fake?

Even Abi - the closest person to him in his life - doesn't know, as the drama intensifies. Ever since footage of her seemingly having sex emerged, she's been on a sickening rollercoaster with no sign of an end to the turbulence.

She initially believed she'd been secretly filmed while under the influence of drugs, as the footage was so realistic, but she subsequently spotted a tattoo on her body which she knew she didn't have. However, who could have published the phoney footage - and why?

Kevin recently exploded with rage at Max Turner (Paddy Bever), believing the teen had leaked the fake video as revenge for Kevin refusing to pay him for website design services. Abi dragged him away, insisting that Max would have no real motive - but next week she's set to make a major breakthrough about who could have had one.

Kevin and those around him are left shell-shocked

Kevin and those around him have been left shell-shocked by the latest revelations (Image: ITV)

Abi tells Kevin that, after digging up some dirt, she believes the father of her late son's killer, Stefan Brent (Paul Opacic), could be the one responsible for her revenge porn hell.

Soon afterwards, she clocks her partner getting up in the middle of the night, something which he dismisses as stress.

However, eyebrows are raised when he arrives at the salon with a stolen mobile phone and asks Max to help him hack into it.

When his mechanic pal Tyrone Dobbs (Alan Halsall) opens an email containing mysterious footage of Kevin appearing to break into Stefan's office, he's horrified and fears the worst - but Kevin insists it's another deep fake video.

Coronation Street's Abi has had a tough time

Coronation Street's Abi has had a tough time (Image: ITV)

Stefan is then set to issue Kevin with a sinister warning that his actions could see him face jail.

Is the breaking and entering footage a deep fake as he claims, or could it be real, given all we know about Kevin's desperation to collect evidence and see the man who publicly humiliated Abi brought to justice?

A shocked Abi overhears Tyrone and Craig discussing the developments - and when Kevin returns home, he sees Craig waiting for him.

Is it curtains for Kevin as the truth comes to light - and will revenge porn perpetrator Stefan get away with his actions, or face justice?

Coronation Street airs on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 8pm on ITV.

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