ITV This Morning's Dermot O'Leary fights back tears while interviewing heroic guests

On Thursday's instalment of This Morning, hosts Dermot O'Leary and Josie Gibson spoke to two teenage boys who heroically saved a man's life.

By Tianna Corbin, TV reporter

Dermot O'Leary emotional as teen boys reveal how they saved man

This Morning host Dermot O’Leary was holding back tears during Thursday's show after speaking to two teenagers who risked their own lives to save a suicidal man. Last weekend, the youths had to restrain a man for over an hour until the authorities came and handled the situation.

However, as they spoke to the ITV hosts, Dermot was overwhelmed by their bravery after they jumped onto the train tracks to rescue the person. Speaking to one of their dads, he said: “As a parent, you have these two feelings to reconcile.

“One, I can’t believe you put your life at risk, this is your everything, isn’t it? Then, the second thing is those values and roles you, your wife, and your family have instilled in them.

“You must be so proud, I mean, I feel - I’m crying now. You must be so proud of them.” During the show, viewers learnt the train was just 45 seconds away from hitting the teenagers and the man, before they managed to get back onto the platform.

After seeing the two boys on the show, it wasn’t long before people watching took to Twitter to praise their actions. @Boppity_Boo34 said: “Good on these lads what heroes they are.”

Dermot O'Leary

Dermot O'Leary was emotional on Thursday morning (Image: ITV)

@Cherylscribs commented: “I'm in awe of these two legends.”

@Mabel_Mouse_ added: “Freddie and Harley are beautiful humans. So many would have turned a blind eye and walked away but they didn’t. Such good lads.”

@mikepriestley13 tweeted: “Wow these two teenagers should be an inspiration for other teenagers. They are heroes.. well done lads risking their own life to save someone from suicide. Parents should be very proud of them.”

@Itt39354118 wrote: “Not all heroes wear capes they saved someone's life good on them #thismorning”

This Morning

Freddie Corbett and Harley Hollingworth saved a man's life on the weekend (Image: ITV)

With @muddyvee adding: “These lads on #thismorning. Wow. Raising kids right that.”

During the interview, Freddie Corbett explained the situation to Josie as he detailed seeing a man sleeping in a sleeping bag who wandered to the tracks when a train started approaching.

After the man told the teen he was going to kill himself, Freddie sprang into action.

He said: “I jumped onto the tracks, he pushed past me and started walking towards the train. I said, ‘No you’re not doing that mate’. I picked him up and chucked him onto the side.

“I got Harley (Hollingworth) to come over, we dragged him over to the shelter and pinned him down for an hour until help came and spoke to him about what’s been going on.”

Freddie Corbett and Harley Hollingworth on This Morning

Freddie Corbett and Harley Hollingworth made Dermot O'Leary emotional (Image: ITV)

Freddie explained that when the man pushed him out of the way, he immediately knew he couldn’t let him die.

He added: “I’m putting myself at risk, but it’s not just him and it’s not just me. It’s the train driver and everyone on the train, people can be traumatised and it just ruins people’s lives.

“Obviously, everyone deserves a second chance at life.”

Freddie’s dad Billy told the two hosts that his initial reaction to finding out what his son had done was fear, although as the night progressed he got prouder and prouder.

This Morning continues weekdays on ITV from 10am.

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