Coronation Street's Adam Barlow 'exposes' Carla as family betrayal sparks divide

Coronation Street's Carla Barlow found herself in a tricky situation when Bobby Crawford decided to tell a major lie to the police.

By Tianna Corbin, TV reporter

Coronation Street teaser: What happened to Lauren?

It looks as though there could be a rift within The Barlow family in upcoming scenes. As viewers are getting closer to finding out what happened to Lauren Bolton (played by Cait Fitton), truths are being exposed throughout the cobbles.

Official spoilers for the soap reveal that next week, Joel Deering (Calum Lill) starts to grow serious with Dee Dee Bailey (Channique Sterling-Brown) as he books a table at the bistro for her to meet his parents.

Despite her outrage that he’s representing Nathan Curtis (Chris Harper), Joel heads off to meet the ex-criminal to discuss his plea. Elsewhere, Bethany Platt (Lucy Fallon) continues on her mission to prove Nathan has something to do with Lauren’s disappearance.

Speaking to PC Craig Tinker (Colson Smith), Bethany explains that after speaking to young teen Ellie, she learnt Nathan used to abuse her as well. Giving him Ellie’s address, Craig decides to pay the teen a visit.

However, when he heads over Ellie is nowhere to be found as her flatmate tells Craig she’s moved out. Although before he leaves she reveals the teen seemed frightened about something.

Carla Barlow

Carla went along with Bobby's lie to try and get Roy out of prison (Image: ITV)

Later on, Dee-Dee accidentally lets slip the truth about Bobby Crawford (Jack Carroll) to Adam Barlow (Sam Robertson).

The solicitor shares it was Bobby who stitched up his uncle Daniel Osbourne (Rob Mallard) by giving a false statement to the police to try and get Roy Cropper (David Neilson) out of prison.

However, the shocks don’t end there as she tells him Carla Barlow (Alison King) also went along with the lie.

When The Barlows all gather in the Rovers later on, Adam decides it’s time they learn the truth.

The Barlow family

How will The Barlow family react? (Image: ITV)

He explains that it was Bobby’s fault for Daniel becoming a prime suspect in Lauren’s murder investigation.

How will the family react to this information? Also, will Carla find herself estranged from the Barlow’s once and for all?

Last week, the Underworld owner made the decision to change her last name back from Barlow to Connor after learning Peter Barlow (Chris Gascoyne) had moved on abroad.

Carla has had a turbulent time on the cobbles over the past few months as her husband decided to leave Weatherfield just before her estranged nephew showed up on her doorstep.

Roy Cropper

Bobby and Carla were desperate to try and help free Roy (Image: ITV)

As Bobby has settled into his new home, he’s grown close to Roy and was adamant not to let him face charges for Lauren’s murder.

Giving a false statement to the police, he told the police he spotted a man wearing a balaclava leaving Lauren's flat, clarifying it was not Roy.

Despite Carla initially disapproving of the huge lie, she decided against her better judgment, not wanting her friend to be sent to prison for good.

However, could Carla’s actions cause her to become estranged from the Barlow clan?

Coronation Street continues this week Monday to Friday on ITV from 7:30pm

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