Jay Slater search: British investigator reveals three big problems with CCTV clue

British investigator Mark Williams-Thomas has said there are three main issues with the potential CCTV sighting of missing teen Jay Slater.

By Grace Piercy, News Reporter

Jay Slater

Jay Slater has been missing since last Monday (Image: Instagram)

A British investigator has revealed the three big problems with the recent CCTV clue in the Jay Slater disappearance.

The 19-year-old was on holiday in the Canary Islands with friends when he went missing last Monday (June 17). The bricklaying apprentice from Lancashire was facing an 11-hour walk and a dead phone, having missed the bus back to his accommodation.

Jay has not been heard from since and search parties have been scouring Rural de Teno park, his last known location based on phone data.

Former detective turned TV sleuth Mark Williams-Thomas held a press conference in Tenerife today as part of his independent enquiries into the teenager’s disappearance.

He revealed the three big problems with a possible sighting of Jay, a CCTV image in Santiago del Teide on Monday evening.

Mark Williams-Thomas

Mark Williams-Thomas has gone to Tenerife to aid in the search for Jay Slater (Image: Stan Kujawa)

Williams-Thomas said: "It is not the best of images. Yes it could possibly be him, but if you walk around this area here, you will see an awful lot of young men who look like Jay, dress like Jay and have the skin fade like Jay.”

He continued: "One of the things that causes me concern, is where has he been in those eight hours before he ends up in that location. In order to get back to that village you would have to have walked on the road.

"We don't know where he goes. What we need to know is did anyone drive up that area on that morning? It's a busy area, both with tourists and locals, if you saw Jay let us know. Anybody, let us know."

The former detective claimed there are 'two scenarios', adding: "He has either come to harm by his own accident, up in the hills somewhere, but not directly by the rental. Or, there is a third party involvement. I cannot rule that out at the moment."

He also made a plea to potential witnesses: "This is about finding Jay, we need as many people as possible to get involved.

"There are people out here who know more. There are people out here who have information who have seen Jay, had contact with Jay whilst he was here. If you were in those clubs on that evening or the early hours of the morning, please come forward."

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