'We had our vote – let's get OUT' Passionate LBC caller backs 'hard' Brexit

A FURIOUS LBC caller hit out at suggestions MPs could vote on the terms of Brexit and passionately exclaimed: “We want our culture back.”

Caller tells Katie Hopkins 'let us get Britain back'

A cross-party alliance of pro-Europe MPs has warned of the dangers of a ‘hard Brexit’.

Former Labour leader over the terms of Britain’s eventual exit from the European Union.

Charlie from Beckenham in south London hit out at suggestions of a ‘soft Brexit’ in a passionate call to LBC presenter Katie Hopkins.

“We want our borders back. We want our culture back,” he said.

“We have had our vote. We decided to get out. Let’s get out.

Katie Hopkins and the EU flagLBC•GETTY

Katie Hopkins was delighted by the passionate caller's patriotism

We want our borders back. We want our culture back

LBC caller Charlie

“We want closed borders. We want to trade with who we want.

“Let's get Britain back. Let’s get our laws back. Our borders back.”

“Let's get it back how it was. We ruled the world at one time.”

When asked by Hopkins whether MPs should have a vote on the terms and conditions of the Brexit deal, Charlie was emphatic in his reply.

“I think the referendum was final,” he said. “If you let the politicians have another go at it. You are having a select referendum.


Leave supporters celebrate on June 23

“We might as well not have had the referendum if you are going to let those guys vote again.”

Ed Miliband is among those pro-EU MPs who is pushing for a Commons vote over Brexit.

Along with Nick Clegg he is calling for parliament to have its say as Britain disentangles itself from Brussels.

Speaking to The Observer, Mr Miliband said: “Having claimed that the referendum was about returning sovereignty to Britain, it would be a complete outrage if May were to determine the terms of Brexit without a mandate from parliament.


Ed Miliband is fighting against a 'hard Brexit'

“There is no mandate for hard Brexit, and I don't believe there is a majority in parliament for it either. 

“Given the importance of these decisions for the UK economy... it has to be a matter for MPs.”

Mr Clegg believes the significance of the decisions over Brexit are too late to be made solely by Downing Street.

He said: “My great worry is that while there will be a vote on repealing the 1972 European Communities Act, which is about the decision to leave the EU, it will be left to the executive alone to decide the terms of Brexit. 

“That would not be remotely acceptable.”

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