'UTTER RUBBISH' Tim Farron slapped down by IDS in heated Brexit debate

THIS is the moment Tim Farron was slapped down by Iain Duncan Smith for speaking “total, complete and utter rubbish” over Brexit.

Iain Duncan Smith SHUTS Tim Farron DOWN

Mr Farron, the leader of the Lid Dems and a firm Europhile, has criticised recent moves by the Conservative government to oversee what some are calling a ‘hard Brexit’ which could remove Britain from the European single market in exchange for increased controls over immigration.

Speaking to Andrew Neil on BBC Sunday Politics, Mr Farron said the government taking the country in the direction of ‘hard Brexit’ was a “massive mistake”.

“Iain is wrong to say that there has been a massive decision in favour of us leaving the single market," he said.

“It is a given that a small majority voted to leave the EU but nobody voted to leave the common or single market.

“This seems to me to be flying in the face of all the economic indicators, of whatever the British people want.”

Mr Farron then accused the Tories of stealing the referendum result so they could enforce a ‘hard Brexit’ on the country.

Tim Farron and Iain Duncan SmithBBC

Tim Farron and Iain Duncan Smith clashed on Sunday Politics

In response, Mr Duncan Smith, a leading member of the Leave campaign, dismissed Mr Farron’s claims.

“It is totally, complete and utter rubbish,” he said.

“The reality is the British people made a very clear decision. They were asked a very simple question Tim, in case you have not bothered to read the ballot paper.”

He continued: “The single market is part of the European Union whether you like it or not and the British people voted to leave.”

Former on whether Britain leaves or remains in the single market.

A loose cross-party alliance of pro-Europe MPs from all sides of the Commons has expressed concern at the sudden pace towards a ‘hard Brexit’ stance by the Government.


Mr Duncan Smith campaign for Leave

Iain is wrong to say that there has been a massive decision in favour of us leaving the single market

Lib Dem leader Tim Farron

"Having claimed that the referendum was about returning sovereignty to Britain, it would be a complete outrage if May were to determine the terms of Brexit without a mandate from parliament.

"There is no mandate for hard Brexit, and I don't believe there is a majority in parliament for it either. Given the importance of these decisions for the UK economy ... it has to be a matter for MPs," Mr Miliband told the Observer.

Leaders of the CBI have expressed alarm at the suspected moves towards a ‘hard Brexit’, which they say could see tariffs imposed on 90% of British exports.

The business chiefs have demanded Theresa May rule out the "worst options" of a hard Brexit, such as not having "passporting" arrangements which allow easy access to European markets for the financial service industry.

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