Queen Elizabeth II's 'true sense of humour' exposed after cow joke and 'rude' prank

Terry Pendry recalled his many moments with Queen Elizabeth II, which included a funny joke about cows and her jokingly calling him "rude" for simply mentioning her age.

By Christopher Sharp, News Reporter

Queen Elizabeth II and Terry Pendry

The Queen's former stud groom Terry Pendry has recalled a joke the monarch once told him (Image: Getty)

Queen Elizabeth II’s study groom Terry Pendry has recalled how the late monarch had a great sense of humour which was proved by a joke she told him about a cow and Mother Superior.

Speaking on the Rosebud with Gyles Brandreth podcast, Mr Pendry talked about what happened when he was riding with the Queen one day on her pony Emma.

He explained that they were riding past Frogmore Cottage and went by a field of cows when the Queen started telling him a joke about Mother Superior, cows and whisky.

Mr Pendry also highlighted how the late Queen “loved a good joke” and was a “brilliant mimic” as the UK marks two years since the death of the much-loved monarch on September 8th 2022.

Terry Pendry riding with the Queen in 2006

Queen Elizabeth told a joke about Mother Superior and a cow (Image: Getty)

Recalling the joke, he said: “Mother Superior, she’s dying. All the nuns gathered around the bed and one nun said, 'We must offer Mother Superior a fresh glass of water'. So they duly did that and Mother Superior dismissed it and said, ‘Take it away I don’t want that’.

“So they went a little bit further one nun said, ‘I know, let’s capture our very best cow and we’ll milk her and offer mother superior a fresh glass of milk. Mother Superior said, ‘I don’t want it. Take it away’.

“A very naughty nun said let’s put a real good glug of whisky in the milk, see if that will work. So, they duly did that and with that Mother Superior drank the whole darn thing down in one.

“The inevitable happened two days later that Mother Superior is going to pass into the better world and all the nuns gathered round to her bed and said, ‘Do you have any final instructions or requests before you pass?’ Mother Superior said, ‘I just have one. Whatever you do, do not sell that cow'.”

Terry and Emma together near the Queen's coffin

Terry and Emma attended the funeral together to pay their respects to the Queen (Image: Getty)

In his interview with Mr Brandreth, Mr Pendry also talked about the final time he saw Queen Elizabeth and how it had been the day after he had walked with her as she rode her beloved pony, Emma.

On that particular day, he had taken a photo for the Queen’s scrapbook and remarked on both the monarch and horse’s age.

He said: “She came down for a chat and a final goodbye to Emma. Whether she was kind of thinking about things I don’t know, but she looked at me and said, 'You were very rude to me yesterday'.

"I said, 'Your Majesty, I’m awfully sorry, but what do you mean, rude? If I was, I apologise profusely – it wouldn’t have been intentional and I apologise. Was it something I said?’. 'Yes', she said, 'it was'.

"I said, 'Well, what was it?' She said, 'You said my age' – and then she burst into fits of laughter. That was just her.”

Mr Pendry added: "Last time I ever saw her. I had an inkling that was probably the last time I was going to see her. When I used to lift her off her pony she was getting lighter and lighter and frailer and frailer.”

Whilst it was the last time Mr Pendry would see the Queen, it wouldn’t be the last he would see of Emma who attended the funeral with Mr Pendry on September 19th standing on the Long Walk, as the Queen’s coffin went past.

On Emma, Mr Pendry said: “Emma sort of had a sixth sense with her. It's a gift, without a shadow of doubt, she just connected with her straight away. I promised the Queen that I will bury Emma.

“Her ashes will go between Burmese, who was the last horse she rode on Trooping the Colour, and the last horse that she ever rode, which was a dear horse, Sanction.”

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