Brexit POLL: Are you embarrassed to be British?

BRITISH nationals living in the EU have expressed "embarrassment" about being British, but do you feel the same? Vote in our poll.

By Natalie Crookham, Engagement Editor

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The first major study since Brexit has shown that British citizens in Europe have concerns over the impact of the UK’s decision on their lives. The survey of 1,328 British nationals was conducted a year after the Brexit transition period between December 2021 and January 2022, as part of a wider project by Lancaster and Birmingham universities.


Michaela Benson, sociology professor at Lancaster University and the study’s co-lead said the findings showed that while “the public narrative suggests Brexit is done and dusted, it has brought deep transformations to the lives of British citizens in the EU and EEA”.

She added: “The long tail of Brexit is evident in its continuing impacts both on the way they live their lives, and in its lasting significance for their sense of identity and belonging.”

Some 80 percent of respondents’ feelings towards the UK were strongly affected by Brexit and the British Government’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Responses included “deep shame”, “disappointment”, “a s*** show” and “shambolic”.

Meanwhile, others mentioned they were “embarrassed to be British”, and said it was “like watching a house on fire”.

READ MORE: 'Embarrassed to be British' Furious expats rage at Brexit 's*** show' and 'shambolic' UK

The Mall with British flags for jubilee

Are you embarrassed to be British? (Image: Tim Graham/Getty)

Participants said they were upset over their loss of free movement and voting rights as a result of Brexit. 

They were also worried about being unable to return to the UK with non-British family members in the future.

Asked if their past or future migration plans were affected by Britain's decision to leave the EU, 27 percent of respondents said it had affected them a great deal and 14 percent a lot.

Ms Benson said: “For me, one of the most interesting things the survey reveals is this sense of disappointment, shame and anguish over Brexit and the pandemic – and a really quite pronounced expression of European identity.”

So what do YOU think? Are you embarrassed to be British? Vote in our poll and leave your thoughts in the comment section below.

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