‘Proud to be British!’ Readers rage against ‘embarrassed’ expats

READERS of Express.co.uk are "proud" to be British, a new poll has found, after a study found British citizens living in the EU felt "embarrassed" of their nationality.

By Natalie Crookham, Engagement Editor

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The views of Express.co.uk readers are in stark contrast to the first major study since Brexit of British citizens in Europe which revealed concerns. The study of 1,328 British nationals was conducted a year after the Brexit transition period by Lancaster and Birmingham Universities.

Some 80 percent of respondents’ feelings towards the UK were strongly affected by Brexit and the British Government’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Responses included “deep shame”, “disappointment”, “a s*** show” and “shambolic”.

Meanwhile, others mentioned they were “embarrassed to be British”, and said it was “like watching a house on fire”.

Express.co.uk wanted to see if readers felt the same. In a poll that ran from 11am on Wednesday, May 4, to midday on Thursday, May 5, Express.co.uk asked: “Are you embarrassed to be British?”

A whopping 11,389 people cast their votes and thousands shared their views in the comments below the accompanying article in a lively debate.

Overall, the dominant response – 87 percent (9,889 people) – was “no”, they are not embarrassed to be British.

Meanwhile, 13 percent (1,479 people) said “yes”, they are embarrassed and a further 21 people said they did not know either way.

The vast majority of readers commented that they were proud of their country.

One user, lostforwords said: “I’m definitely proud to be British.”

Username All politicians tell lies wrote: “Only remainers are embarrassed to be British. I’m proud to be English first and British second but most of all I’m proud to be a Brexiter.”

Some noted how Brexit had influenced their views on being British with username Ian Gray commenting: “Brexit has made me more proud to be British.”

Username SteveJones7 said: “Britain leaving the EU was a massive positive for me, restored my faith in Brits.”

Spain and man with UK flag

‘Proud to be British!’ Readers rage against ‘embarrassed’ expats (Image: Leon Neal/Getty and Getty)

Another, username JohnSw, said: “I am very pleased and proud to be British, it’s the EU who should be ashamed.”

And username The taxilady wrote: “I was embarrassed to be in the EU.”

The university study only considered views of British citizens living in the EU and many readers felt strongly about expats.

Username Proud2BEnglish said: “If this is how they feel about the UK, then I suggest they take up local citizenship, give up all the benefits the UK provides and get on with their lives, while leaving those of us who are still proud to be English/British to get on with making Brexit the huge success it has the potential to be.”

And username Bandersnatch said: “I am exceedingly proud to be British, but very embarrassed for the ones who go to live abroad then want a say in what goes on in the country they deserted.”

Another, Username Lefties can’t handle the truth said: “I’m proud to be British but ashamed of the behaviour of some of our compatriots in other countries.”

Username KevA said: “I am English but equally proud to be called British. If expats don’t like it then they should take up the nationality of where they now reside, but I doubt that they will.”

And username 18c said: “Those who choose to live and to work in the EU are European at heart, and I wish them well for their future.”

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Expats infographic

Top 10 countries Britons move to (Image: EXPRESS.CO.UK)

Others expressed their admiration for the UK in their comments.

Username Truebrit said: “I am proud to be British and I am proud of the influence we have had on the world. We made mistakes and did some things we shouldn't but overall I think we have had a positive influence on civilisation over the centuries.”

Meanwhile, username Alann said: “I am extremely proud to be a Brit. Have lived in the EU but there's no place like home.”

And Username WidowSon said: “I'm embarrassed for those Brits that are embarrassed to be British.”

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