Royal Wedding Bishop Curry reveals what he REALLY THINKS of Royals laughing during service

ROYAL WEDDING star Bishop Michael Curry took Meghan Markle and Prince Harry’s big day by storm with his passionate sermon but left some members of the royal family struggling to keep their composure - a reaction he didn’t fail to address.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

Royal Wedding's Vicar speech causes guest to smirk

The American preacher has received praises from around the world for his inspiring speech delivered in front of the 600 guests in Windsor Castle.

But Bishop Curry also sparked smiles and a few amused look among the royals with his 14-minute long speech and the fieriness he delivered it with.

A week after the wedding the Bishop, who was described by the Archbishop of Canterbury as a “stunning preacher”, revealed what he thinks of all the smirks and giggles that filled St George’s Chapel.

He said: "They were listening in their own way. 

Laugh at me, laugh with me, it is all fine by me

Bishop Michael Curry

“Emotions should be expanded.

"Laugh at me, laugh with me, it is all fine by me.

“Any way I can steer the message about the love of God, I am glad to do that."

But he already jokingly hit out at the amused crowd during the wedding, when he realised his speech had gone on for too long.

He said: “With that, I got to sit down, we got to get you all married.” 

royal wedding bishop curry meghan markle prince harry

US preacher Michael Curry revealed what he thinks about the Royals who laughed during his sermon (Image: BBC/GETTY)

During the sermon, titled The Power Of Love, always poised Prince William, brother of the groom and best man, was caught trying to hold back a laughter while Bishop Curry described the “fire made possible to text and tweet”. 

Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, shared a look of bemusement with Kate, Duchess of Cambridge, who was sitting next to her, while Prince Charles was apparently looking down to restrain himself from giggling.

And even Harry and Meghan were seen sharing a smile and smirking.

Bishop Curry chose to celebrate the union of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex with a sermon focused on slavery and the Old Testament.

The American bishop also quoted Dr Martin Luther King Jr, saying: "We must discover the power of love, the redemptive power of love. 

royal wedding bishop curry meghan markle prince harry

Prince William was caught trying not to laugh during the sermon (Image: BCC)

"And when we do that, we will be able to make of this old world a new world. Love is the only way."

His speech received praises on social media and royal commentators.

Sky News journalist Mark Austin said: "Lovely moment as the preacher takes the Royals to the edge of their comfort zone"

And BBC presenter Jeremy Vine said: "The preacher is doing 50 in a 30 zone and it's brilliant."

After the wedding, which took place on May 19, the bishop confessed he thought to have been pranked when he received the invitation to preach at the ceremony.

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