Prince Harry and Meghan LIVE: Sophie 'relieved' she no longer has to bow to Duchess

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry relocated to California after stepping down as senior working royals in 2020 - they haven't been invited to a major royal event for two years now.


Sophie, Duchess of Edinburgh, is 'relieved' she no longer has to curtsy to Meghan, an insider claims (Image: Getty)

Sophie, the Duchess of Edinburgh, is "relieved" that she no longer has to offer a curtsy to Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, it's been claimed.

Sophie was given a new title after her husband Prince Edward was promoted to Duke of Edinburgh following Charles' ascension to the throne.

She was duty-bound to curtsey to the Duchess of Sussex as Meghan was a higher rank when she was a senior working royal.

But one of Sophie's friends told the Mail on Sunday she is relieved she doesn't have to anymore. "Sophie is relieved. She no longer has to curtsy to someone in the family who has not only left Royal duties but has spent the past three years criticising the institution that Sophie works so hard to support," they said.

Meghan Markle once believed that curtseying was a joke, as revealed in her Netflix docuseries.

The Sussexes revealed that before a meeting with the late Queen, Harry asked Meghan: "‘You know how to curtsey, right?’ Meghan then tells the documentary crew: "I just thought it was a joke" offering an exaggerated version of the curtsey she gave the Queen and laughing.


Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's 'last friends' in Royal Family now backing Prince William

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's "last friends" in the Royal Family have been spotted "supporting" Prince William, having reportedly "turned their backs" on the Sussexes.

Princesses Eugenie and Beatrice have been long-time friends of Harry, with Eugenie even visiting the Duke and Duchess at their US home in 2022.

However, the York sisters were recently spotted at a Buckingham Palace garden party supporting Prince William, while he continued with royal duties as his wife, Princess Kate recovers from cancer treatment.

Eugenie, 34, and older sister Beatrice, 35, have increased their royal duties since the King was diagnosed with cancer earlier this year, reports Woman's Day.

An insider told the publication: "Bea and Eugenie can't imagine what William is going through right now, and it was an honour for them to give him some support.

"The York sisters were determined not to let him down."

The palace insider told the publication the pair are "overjoyed" to be taking a more prominent role in the family, and that Beatrice has been considered "flawless" of late.

However, they claimed Eugenie was on an "unofficial blacklist" after hosting Harry and Meghan at her Portugal home last year.

The insider added: "But that was last year and she's worked hard to prove her commitment to the royals. She didn't reach out to Harry when she was in LA in February."

King Charles 'not content' over major issue with Prince Archie and Princess Lilibet

King Charles is "not content" over the lack of a relationship he has with Prince Harry's children, and is committed to being present in their lives, an insider has claimed.

His youngest son Prince Harry, and his wife Meghan Markle relocated to Montecito, California, after stepping back as senior royals in 2020.

In recent years, relations between the Duke and Duchess of Sussex with the rest of the Royal Family have been fraught following Harry's explosive memoir Spare, his Netflix series with Meghan and claims made about The Firm in various interviews.

But sources close to the monarch say he is "keener than ever" to focus on his family and "make up for lost time" after reducing his engagements following his cancer diagnosis earlier this year, The Mirror reports.

An insider told the outlet the 75-year-old is "absolutely committed to being present in all of his grandchildren's lives.

"He values family above everything and whatever the course of his relationship with his son he would never be content with just seeing his grandchildren on the odd video call."

David and Victoria Beckham 'planning royal move' after 'feud' with Harry and Meghan Markle

Victoria Beckham is reportedly hoping David Beckham will finally get a knighthood as they move on from a reported feud with Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.
David is said to have been left “absolutely furious” after he and his wife were allegedly accused by the Duke and Duchess of Sussex of leaking stories to the press about them, which led to an apparent breakdown of their friendship.

Not turning their back on royals completely, however, David was announced as the new ambassador of The King's Foundation earlier this month, a move which has reportedly left Victoria "pleased".

King Charles, 75, established the charity as the Prince of Wales in 1990 to create improved communities where people, places and the planet can harmoniously coexist.A source has claimed of the move: "Now that David is in with King Charles, plus the fact they are on good terms with Kate and William, it puts all the rumours about her allegedly leaking stories to the press behind her.

It focuses on her and David's relationship with the the royal family in a positive way.

"She [Victoria] even sees this as his way of getting a knighthood and become Sir David Beckham, while Victoria would become Lady Beckham."

The former England football team captain paid a visit to King Charles’ Highgrove Gardens in Gloucestershire last month to meet the monarch and learn more about the organisation and get an insight into some of the charity’s educational programs at workshops on site.

King Charles 'directly asks Prince Harry to stem the leaks' after Sussex media blitz

King Charles "directly asked" Prince Harry to stop publicly leaking royal secrets, a royal expert has claimed.

Harry has been estranged from the Royal Family for some time following several accusations following his decision to step down as a senior working royal at the start of 2020.

Since stepping down from royal duties, Harry has spoken out many times about the Firm - including making many controversial comments about particular members of the family.

The King, 75, now appears to have had enough of his youngest son's public attacks and has spoken to him directly about putting a stop to his "complaining," an expert claimed.

Speaking to the Mirror, royal expert Tom Quinn said: "Harry has been asked directly by his father not to write or say publicly anything further about the family or his brother that might cause trouble.

"And everyone knows that when a King asks you to do something there are going to be consequences if you do not obey."

He further explained: "Over the years that Harry has complained about his treatment by his family he has had just one aim – to get an apology and to see his father and brother make amends.

"Harry just can’t see that complaining in private might work; complaining publicly just makes things worse and in Harry’s case that means more and more ties to his past being severed."

Prince Harry 'determined to find permanent UK home' for heartbreaking reason

Prince Harry is reportedly on a mission to establish a 'permanent' base in the UK, with a royal commentator suggesting he's yearning for a foothold back in his homeland.

Since stepping away from the royal spotlight in 2020 and setting up life in the US with Meghan Markle, the Duke of Sussex has been without an official UK residence following their eviction from Frogmore Cottage last year.

Now, it appears Harry is eager to secure a British home base.

Speaking to the Mirror, Royal author Tom Quinn shared insights: "As time goes by, Harry misses some aspects of his old life in the UK.

"Inevitably, the honeymoon period where everything in the States is new and exciting is coming to an end and Harry is looking back at the past through rose-tinted spectacles."

Quinn further revealed: "He misses his Old Etonian and army friends, many of whom have not visited as they don't get on with Meghan.

"Harry is determined to find his own permanent home in the UK, which is partly why he's continuing his legal action to get the British taxpayer to pay for his security."

Prince Harry

Harry is reportedly keen to secure a home base back in the UK. (Image: Getty)

Prince Harry 'had two major William fears' that saw him snub Duke of Westminster's wedding

Prince Harry had two main fears about attending the wedding ceremony deemed to be the social event of the year, alongside his elder brother, Prince William.

This analysis comes from a seasoned Royal observer and ex-employee of King Charles.

Following Prince William's solo attendance at the opulent union of the Duke of Westminster, Hugh Grosvenor and Olivia Henson, without the company of his father, King Charles or spouse, Kate, Grant Harrold, once the butler in service to King Charles, gave an interview to OK! magazine.

Harrold shared: "I'm sure [Harry] would have wanted to attend. But Harry and William shared friends and they have likely been drawn into this dispute. Plus, he may have worried that the rift with William would pull focus from the wedding."

In addition, Harrold noted: "It will be hard for William to attend the wedding without Kate as I'm sure they planned to go together. They're such a partnership and he's his best self when she's by his side."

Prince Harry gets 'very upsetting shock' over Meghan Markle statement

Prince Harry has had a “very upsetting shock” after his strongly worded defence of wife Meghan Markle was quietly deleted by the Royal Family.

The Duke of Sussex issued the statement against the press in November 2016 as he raged at the media for “racial undertones” in regards to Meghan prior to their marriage.

But in a surprising move, Harry’s staunch defence has been removed from after seven years.

Now, royal author Tom Quinn, claims the removal was a "very upsetting shock" for Harry.

Speaking exclusively to The Mirror, he said: "The statement was a scathing attack on the press and King Charles knows that he needs to keep the press on the side and work with rather than against the media.

"For Harry removing the statement will be a real and very upsetting shock – he will see this as the Royal Family shutting him down, erasing an important part of the anti-media crusade Harry has waged for so long."

Prince William and King Charles 'closer than ever' over Prince Harry rift

Prince William has become closer than ever to his father King Charles over Prince Harry's estrangement from the Royal Family, insiders have claimed.

The King is said to see his son as a "useful ally on family matters" following his other son's departure from life as a senior royal in 2020.

Prince Harry left The Firm with Meghan Markle and subsequently moved to Montecito, California. Since then, he has hardly returned, making special exceptions for the Queen's funeral, the Invictus Games 10th anniversary, and his legal case.

This strained relationship has only helped to solidify the bond between the King and the Prince of Wales as he puts an increasing amount of trust in his oldest son.

There was previously said to be a "green-eyed monster" between the two as Prince William regularly ranks higher in opinion polls than his father, but those close to the family say that is all "a chapter of the past".

Charles and William

The King and Prince William sharing a wholesome moment. (Image: Getty)

King Charles will 'never' cut ties with Prince Harry over Archie and Lilibet 'sadness'

King Charles is experiencing "great sadness" due to the strained relationship with his grandchildren, Archie and Lilibet, which ensures he would "never" sever ties with Prince Harry.

That's according to a Royal expert who claims that the monarch's battle with cancer has intensified his desire to connect with his grandchildren, making the situation "all the more poignant" as he faces the reality that his time is not infinite.

In her latest work, 'My Mother and I: The Inside Story of the King and Our Late Queen', Ingrid Seward reveals: "Family has always been important to the King.

He remembers his own somewhat fragmented childhood as his parents were always busy doing their duty. It is a great sadness to him he doesn't see more of Archie and Lilibet."

Seward further explains the King's stance, saying: "That is why he will never break ties with Harry. He does not want a FaceTime relationship with his son's children.

"He wants to know them and be involved with their lives while they are still young enough to be able to learn from his wisdom.

"His cancer has made it all the more poignant to him as he knows that he won't be around forever," she added.

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