Meghan Markle warned of 'bitter pill' she'll need to swallow if Sussex titles are removed

If she does lose the Sussex title, Meghan Markle could be forced to use an odd traditional name which broadcasts "that she is nothing without her man", an expert has warned.

The Duke and Duchess Of Sussex Attend The Invictus Games Dusseldorf 2023 - One Year to Go

Meghan Markle would have to take a bizarre name change if her Sussex title was stripped. (Image: Getty)

Meghan Markle is set for a rude awakening if she and Prince Harry's royal titles were removed, a royal watcher has warned.

The pair were given the title of Duke and Duchess of Sussex as a wedding gift by the late Queen in 2018, but stepped down as senior royals in January 2020 and relocated to the United States.

Since then, they have both been critical of their treatment within the Royal Family, prompting calls for their titles to be stripped.

Speaking to GB News, royal and political commentator Lee Cohen asked: "With the turmoil he and his wife have created, and the anguish they have caused, isn't it high time their titles were removed?

"And I disagree with some other commentators who feel that such a move would actually elevate Meghan in the eyes of the public.

READ MORE: Prince Harry has ‘little to do’ in the US as Duke 'broods' for royal past

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry.

The Sussexes visited Nigeria last month, in their first major overseas trip. (Image: Getty)

"It's true if the ducal titles were removed, she would assume a princess title, but if she chose to use the title it would always be 'Princess Harry,' what a bitter pill for an arch-feminist like Meghan to have to have to carry around her husband's name if she chose to deploy her title.

He suggested that adopting that name would be seen as her "broadcasting that she is nothing without her man".

Meanwhile, royal biographer Angela Levin told the channel: "Meghan doesn't want to lose her titles. So I don't think she wants Harry or herself to lose them. If she wants to do politics for America [she] absolutely has to do that.

"In the UK, we'd all be quite pleased if Harry did actually drop his titles, decide he didn't want them himself and stayed in America," she told the outlet.

Meghan Markle.

Meghan's title would change to the slightly odd 'Prince Henry' if their ducal titles were removed. (Image: Getty)

She added the Prince's "behaviour here to his family is so atrocious and we don't really want them here anymore."

According to royal author Tom Quinn, the King is "desperate to strip Harry and Meghan of their royal titles, but he is worried that it will look vindictive and make a bad situation worse.

"He knows it would give Meghan and Harry another chance to claim they are being badly treated," Quinn opined to The Mirror.

If the couple were to have their titles removed, Prince Harry would still be a prince but Meghan would take on the slightly bizarre title of Princess Henry. They both lost their HRH titles after leaving The Firm in 2020, but Prince Harry remains a prince by birth.

The process of stripping away royal titles is a lengthy one, which would only worsen the already tense relationship between the King and the Sussexes.

A representative for the Sussexes has been approached for comment.

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