King Charles is totally fed up with Prince Harry and Meghan Markle 'soap opera'

Within hours of Buckingham Palace refusing to comment on the "private" conversation between King Charles, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, details of the conversation emerged - and the monarch is sick of it, a source claims.

By Matthew Dooley, Assistant News Editor

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry.

Details of a private conversation between Meghan and Harry and King Charles mysteriously emerged. (Image: GETTY)

King Charles is fed up with Meghan Markle and Prince Harry's "soap opera" claimed a royal source after details of the couple's conversation with the King on his birthday were leaked.

The 75-year-old monarch reportedly spoke to his son Prince Harry, 39, and his daughter-in-law Meghan Markle, 42, on his big day while the Duchess of Sussex showed him a pre-recorded video of Prince Archie, 4, and Princess Lilibet, 2, singing Happy Birthday to .

While refused to comment on the "private" call, details soon emerged of the from the conversation.

The King marked his birthday with an engagement highlighting a food waste project - but . The King is said to be sick of it.

Speaking to The Sunday Times, one source close to the King said: "It frustrates him that personal issues intrude on the public duty. He’d much rather the focus was on his work, not the soap opera of the private life. It is always frustrating when family dynamics overshadow the public role."

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King Charles.

King Charles is said to be sick of Meghan Markle and Prince Harry's 'soap opera'. (Image: GETTY)

Courtiers were said to be "baffled" that the private conversation was briefed before and after the fact, taking away from the actual work that Charles wishes to highlight as King.

It's unclear how the details of the phone call were leaked but . Before the call, the BBC reported that it would indeed take place and afterwards the Daily Telegraph reported on details of the conversation.

Daily Mail Diary editor Richard Eden questioned how the UK media was able to obtain the details of the private conversation so quickly.

He wrote for the publication: "How did the BBC know ahead of time that Prince Harry would ring his father? And how, afterward, did the Daily Telegraph discover the contents of a conversation to which few others can have been privy?"

The Royal Family wish King Charles a happy 75th birthday

Eden added: "The fact that details of a private conversation were published so quickly might serve as a warning ahead of any possible future invitations."

The royal expert continued: "The Daily Telegraph, which is one of the few British newspapers to be spoken of favourably by Harry, managed to obtain details of the phone conversation between His Majesty and his younger son."

While the Sussexes may be keen to remain part of the narrative, even on the King's birthday, it's also clear that they wish to keep a connection between the monarch and his grandchildren whom he barely knows.

The family moved to California in 2020 after a split with the Royal Family. King Charles rarely sees his grandchildren but some have seen the recent call as a potential .

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