King Charles marks first birthday as sovereign after emotional tribute to the fallen

King Charles was born on this day 74 years ago as Charles Philip Arthur George. After making history as the country's longest-serving heir to the throne, he became the monarch of Britain and 14 other realms on September 8.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

King Charles leads nation in Remembrance Day silence

Charles is celebrating on Monday his first birthday as Britain's sovereign. The King is expected to mark the day privately and no planned engagements on the day have been announced. The Royal Family Twitter account has shared a brief message to celebrate the day, reading: "Wishing his Majesty The King a very happy birthday today."

This post was accompanied by a picture of the smiling sovereign, taken during an engagement.

Two months into King Charles's reign, Buckingham Palace hasn't yet announced whether he will follow the tradition started by King George III in 1760 to host public celebrations in the summer to mark the sovereign's official birthday while the day of the actual birth, if it fell in colder months, would be spent privately.

Queen Elizabeth II, whose birthday was in April, normally celebrated her official birthday on a Saturday in mid-June by attending the Trooping the Colour parade and enjoying the RAF flypast from the balcony of her official residence in London.

The day would also see the announcement of the annual Birthday Honours.

While King Charles is not expected to step out in public today, his birthday will be marked by the Band of the Household Cavalry performing Happy Birthday during the Changing of the Guard ceremony at Buckingham Palace. 

King Charles smiling

King Charles is turning 74 on November 14 (Image: GETTY)

The Royal Family's tweet

The Royal Family Twitter account marked the birthday of King Charles (Image: TWITTER/ROYAL FAMILY)

Moreover, gun salutes will be fired across London in honour of his birthday.

At noon, the King's Troop Royal Horse Artillery will be firing 41 volleys at London's Green Park, followed by a rendition of Happy Birthday by the Band of the Scots Guards.

One hour later, the Honourable Artillery Company will fire a 62-gun salute at the Tower of London. 

Westminster Abbey also marked the birthday of the King as its bell ringers rang "474 changes of Stedman Caters followed by 360 changes of Cambridge Surprise Royal in celebration", its Twitter account said. 

Over the years, Charles has at times marked his birthday during overseas trips. 

READ MORE: Royal fans react to King Charles' special tribute to Queen Elizabeth 

King Charles cutting a cake

In 2019, King Charles marked his 71st birthday in Mumbai during a tour (Image: GETTY)

King Charles and Prince William walking towards the Cenotaph

King Charles attended on Sunday the first National Service of Remembrance as the King (Image: GETTY)

In 2019, he celebrated his 71st birthday in Mumbai while touring India.

During an engagement at the Taj Mahal hotel, he was given a card and a cake he shared with school children.

Last year, Charles - then Prince of Wales - spent his birthday attending the National Service of Remembrance at the Cenotaph.

During the service, he represented the late Queen, who could not be present due to a sprained back.

On Sunday, Charles led the Royal Family and the country


King Charles laying a wreath at the Cenotaph

King Charles laid on Sunday a wreath at the Cenotaph - for the first time as King (Image: GETTY)

Appearing emotional, the sovereign laid a poppy wreath at the foot of the Cenotaph and saluted the nation's war dead.

His wreath featured red poppies enclosed by a ribbon bearing the King's racing colours - a tradition also observed by King George V, King George VI and the late Queen.

The recent death of Elizabeth II, who served in the ATS during the last months of World War Two, added poignancy to the day, Admiral Sir Tony Radakin, the Chief of Defence Staff, told Sophy Ridge on Sky.

He said on Sunday: "I think there's a special poignancy this year with both the loss of Her Majesty, another loss of a World War 2 veteran.

"I also think it's poignant when we have once again the spectre of war in Europe and all that that entails, and a country that's been invaded and is fighting for its freedom." 

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