Should Prince Harry abandon his memoir? YOU VOTED

Prince Harry's long-awaited book was due to be published later this year but faces delay after the Queen's death.

By Natalie Crookham, Engagement Editor

Prince Harry in 'sticky situation' with memoir says expert

Prince Harry should scrap his upcoming tell-all book, a new poll of readers has found. The Duke of Sussex was due to publish his “intimate and heartfelt” memoir at the end of the year but it is set to be delayed following the death of Queen Elizabeth II. However, royal commentator Sandro Monetti has claimed that Harry should scrap his book altogether in a bid to mend relations with the Royal Family.

He told last week: “My big worry is the Harry book. You don't get an advance as big as that unless there's going to be some negativity in it, that's just the way publishing and the media works.

“Harry should pulp all those copies of the book and abandon the project. I know it has been delayed but I don't see how shortly after the death of the Queen and ahead of his father's coronation it helps.

"But if there's a particular thing he wants to get off his chest he can do it. It will be fascinating to watch.”

Prince Harry

Prince Harry has been urged to scrap his upcoming tell-all book (Image: Max Mumby/Indigo/Getty)

Prince Harry memoir poll result

Should Prince Harry abandon his memoir? (Image:

In response, ran a poll from 1pm on Sunday, September 25, to 1pm on Thursday, September 29, asking readers: “Should Prince Harry abandon his memoir?”

A total of 8,625 votes were cast with the vast majority of readers, 85 percent (7,344 people)  answering “yes”, Harry should scrap his book.

Meanwhile, 14 percent (1,174 people) said “no” he should not, and a further one percent (107 people) said they did not know.

Hundreds of comments were left below the accompanying article as readers debated whether Harry should publish his book.

Many readers agreed that Harry should not publish his book, with username Najean1 commenting: “Harry, ditch the book.”

Username Love The Royals said: “I think Harry should scrap this book. If he lets it get published, he may not regret it now but will regret it in time to come.”

And username Vixenbiker said: “If he knows what’s good for him he will.”

However, other readers were keen for Harry to publish, with username Leave EU not Europe writing: “Let him publish it. He will tell us more about him than about them.”


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Prince Harry and Meghan Markle

Harry has been working on his book since 2020 (Image: Getty)

Prince Harry life in pictures

Prince Harry left the Royal Family two years ago (Image: EXPRESS.CO.UK)

Prince Harry warned memoir payout to halve if Duke of Sussex 'dampens' attacks in book

The Duke of Sussex has been warned he could lose a huge payout if he "dampens down" attacks against his family in his memoir.

Prince Harry has received £17.5million of the £35million book deal which includes four books, one to be published later this year.

Read more HERE.

Username Imparcialista said: “No, he should publish it and face the consequences if there are any.”

Another, username raffnelogg74 wrote: “Publish it so it's all out in the open.”

And username Disgusted from..... said: “It's too late to back out now.”

Royal expert Robert Jobson claimed that publication would mean there is “no going back” for Harry.

He wrote in The Sun: “Harry will no doubt be torn between wanting acceptance from his family and also the love of his wife. But he has now left himself in a Catch-22 situation.

“He has signed a four-book deal worth millions with Penguin Random House. He needs the money to fund his flash Californian lifestyle.

“Once that book, which is now written, hits bookshelves there will be no going back for Harry.”

Harry has been working with ghostwriter and Pulitzer Prize-winning author JR Moehringer on his memoir for two years.

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