'Never be another like her': Outpouring of grief for Queen from Buckingham Palace crowd

MOURNERS came to Buckingham Palace in the thousands to pay heartfelt tributes to Queen Elizabeth II following her death on Thursday.

By Jacob PaulMatthew Dooley, Assistant News Editor

Queen Elizabeth II: Mourners gather outside Buckingham Palace

Crowds gathered outside the palace in the rain to commemorate the , who died aged 96 at Balmoral after 70 years on the throne. Those who descended on began singing God Save the Queen after the news broke at around 6.30pm Thursday evening.

Ex-serviceman Ray, 54, was among the hundreds outside Buckingham Palace.

He told Express.co.uk: "I served under the Queen for 25 years in the army. We've lost more than the Queen. There will never be another like her."

Mourners from countries across the Commonwealth and the world gathered to pay their respects to Her Majesty.

Frenchman Alex Chavarot, 53, who has lived in Britain for 25 years, said: "I'm feeling sad and respectful. As a Frenchman, she represented stability. She was probably the most respected world leader."

Harry Sheriff, 90, and his daughter were due to be attending a show at the Royal Albert Hall which was cancelled after the Queen's death. Mr Sheriff remembers the death of Her Majesty's father, King George VI, in 1952. He told Express.co.uk: "When the King died I was doing my national service.

The Queen and mourners

Mourners outside Buckingham Palace have hailed Her Majesty the Queen as the 'most respected leader'. (Image: Getty/Matthew Dooley)

Queen pic

Harry Sheriff, 90, with his daughter outside Buckingham Palace (Image: Matthew Dooley )

What happens to stamps, banknotes and coins after Queen's death?

After seven decades of having the Queen’s head on stamps, coins, and banknotes, Britain’s iconic symbol will now be replaced with another one. Charles’ photo will replace his mother’s on the money and coins currently in circulation.

"We had to get used to the idea of our gracious Queen. Everything closed down in those days [because of the King's death]. She [the Queen] was always there."

Hundreds of young people also came to the Palace to pay their respects, many waving Union Jacks and singing God Save the Queen. Ettore Finaldi, 22, told Express.co.uk that it was a "saddening moment in history".

He said: "She was the British ideal of a just monarch. She definitely embodied what a Queen should embody - she was just and gentle.

"It's quite sad that she died, which at the end of the day is why I'm here at his moment in history. It's saddening."

Mr Finaldi added: "There has been a high bar set by Queen Elizabeth; I don't know many people who have a bad word to say about her."

READ MORE: Putin sends condolences to King Charles 'irreparable loss'

Queen mourner

Ettore Finaldi, 22, said the Queen was the 'British ideal of a just monarch'. (Image: Matthew Dooley)

Ishaq Davis, 23, said: "It's crazy, It's a feeling like no other. I wasn't born when Diana passed. I was at Harrods and when they made the announcement. It was like time froze. It was silent."

Many stopped what they were doing as the news broke and made their way straight to Buckingham Palace. Alex Norman, 24, was in a bar when he heard about Her Majesty's death.

He said: "I turned around and someone was weeping and I read it [the news] on her phone screen. It's devastating. [For] most people in the UK, nearly all, the Queen has been there our entire lives. The sense of community that she held for us is now gone.

"She seemed like a good person and oversaw a lot of change in the country.

"[King Charles III] has my full respect of course. He's now the King but I think he has an impossible act to follow."

Mourner at Buckingham Palace

Alex Norman, 24, described the news as 'devastating' (Image: Matthew Dooley )

Denise O'Brien Storey, from London, Ontario in Canada, spends much of her free time in Britain, sometimes dressing as the Queen with her friends in a show of admiration to Her Majesty. When she heard the news of the Queen's passing she said she was in "shock".

She said: "There will be a lot of sadness in Canada. I've already had texts and emails from friends in the States and Canada who know I'm here.

"I found out when I was going to the Royal Opera House. Everyone was coming out looking weird and I keep hearing 'cancelled cancelled'.

"One of the attendants explained what happened. I was in shock and weak in my legs. The opera house was nice enough to let people go in and have a drink to recover."

A double rainbow was also seen above the Palace in a rare phenomenon which graced the skies following heavy downpours across the capital.

It comes after the Palace announced in a statement: "The Queen died peacefully at Balmoral this afternoon.

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Denise O'Brien Story

Denise O'Brien Storey has dressed as the Queen previously to show her admiration. (Image: Matthew Dooley/Denise O'Brien Story)


Ms O'Brien Storey came to Buckingham Palace to pay her respects. (Image: Matthew Dooley )

Buckingham Palace

Hundreds of mourners came to Buckingham Palace to celebrate Her Majesty's life. (Image: Matthew Dooley )

"The King and the Queen Consort will remain at Balmoral this evening and will return to London tomorrow."

The Queen died at Balmoral Castle, in Aberdeenshire, after doctors placed the monarch under medical supervision.

Prime Minister Liz Truss, who was appointed by the Queen on Tuesday, has welcomed her son King Charles III into his new role.

She said outside the doors of No10: "We offer him our loyalty and devotion, just as his mother devoted so much, to so many, for so long.

"And with the passing of the second Elizabethan age, we usher in a new era in the magnificent history of our great country, exactly as Her Majesty would have wished, by saying the words 'God save the King'."

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