Nation bursts with pride in wake of Queen’s Jubilee: ‘EU is just jealous!’

In a series of polls over the Jubilee weekend, readers also declared that they feel proud to be British and many agree the Jubilee should be celebrated with a bank holiday every year.

By Natalie Crookham, Engagement Editor

Kate blows a kiss to Prince Louis during Jubilee Pageant

President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen and President of the European Council Charles Michel failed to acknowledge the Queen’s unprecedented 70-year reign. Her Majesty became the first British monarch to reach the milestone and was congratulated by several world leaders for her dedication to public duties.

Margaret Thatcher’s former advisor, Neil Gardner, told “It is absolutely appalling that the European Union has not congratulated the Queen on her Platinum Jubilee.

“This is a demonstration of the pettiness and small-mindedness of the ruling EU elites.

“They clearly resent Britain's success and no doubt secretly envy the achievements of the British people.”

As a result of the EU’s silence, asked readers their opinion in a poll that ran  from 8pm on Sunday, June 5, to 1pm on Thursday, June 9, asking: “Should EU be ashamed for ignoring Queen's Jubilee?”

A total of 4,880 people responded with the vast majority – 88 percent (4,318 people) – answering “yes”, the EU should be ashamed.

Meanwhile, 12 percent (540 people) said “no” and a further 22 people said they did not know. 

Despite the EU’s silence, millions of Britons came together to celebrate the special occasion with four days of official and community events.

An additional bank holiday was granted to lengthen the weekend of festivities to allow Britons to pay their respects and celebrate Her Majesty. 

Since the four-day bank holiday was announced, many have called for it to be made permanent.

Dragons’ Den star Deborah Meaden and ITV’s chief executive, Carolyn McCall, launched campaigns asking the Government to consider the wider benefits of turning the additional public holiday into an annual fixture.

However, in April, the Government said it was not likely to back the proposal.

Queen and Jubilee

Nation bursts with pride in wake of Queen’s Jubilee: ‘EU is just jealous!’ (Image: Getty)

In a poll that ran from 11am on Thursday, June 2 to 10am on Wednesday, June 8 asked: “Should the jubilee always be a bank holiday in the UK?”

Overall, 1,191 people cast their votes and a majority – 68 percent (806 people) – answered “yes” the jubilee should always be marked with a bank holiday.

A further 32 percent (377 people) said “no”, it should not and just eight people said they did not know.

The Platinum Jubilee was a display of Britishness with events including Trooping the Colour, a thanksgiving service at St Paul’s Cathedral, a concert at Buckingham Palace and a pageant through London.

In another poll that ran from 10am on Monday, June 6, to 1pm on Thursday, June 9, asked: “Do you feel more British after Queen's historic Platinum Jubilee?”

Overall, 1,905 people voted and a strong 84 percent (1,605 people) said “yes”, they do feel more British.

However, 15 percent (290 people) said “no” and just one percent (15 people said they did not know.

Hundreds of comments were left on the three accompanying articles as readers shared their thoughts on the Jubilee.

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Chris Jackson

Queen on balcony with Royal Family

The Queen joined members of the Royal Family on the balcony twice (Image: Chris Jackson/Getty)

Many readers did not care that the EU ignored the Jubilee with username Marcus A writing: “It was the EU’s choice completely”.

Username Emunorod said: “I don't really care what the EU thinks but I know that I am enormously proud to live in the UK and to have enjoyed the 70 years that Elizabeth has been our Queen.”

Another, username Bofatlarge wrote: “Why should I care one iota what the EU leaders do or say?”

And username The Butler Did It said: “We had the Jubilee for us, not for them [the EU].”

Street party

Street parties were held across the country (Image: Finnbarr Webster/Getty)

Platinum Jubilee facts

Britain celebrated the Platinum Jubilee (Image: EXPRESS.CO.UK)

A majority of readers were in favour of a permanent bank holiday with one reader, username Cranza1, writing: “YES it should be as a tribute to our Queen The day should be called Elizabeth Day forever!”

Username Valcol wrote: “Yes there should be a celebration every year for our Queen.”

And username Konstanze60 said: “Making the Jubilee Day a Bank Holiday would be a fitting tribute to Her Majesty The Queen even beyond her life.”

However, others disagreed with username NItty commenting “this is a one-off” and username silverladygettingold writing that we “already have too many”.

Queen life in pictures

The Queen took to the throne in 1952 (Image: EXPRESS.CO.UK)

Some readers commented that they were proud to be British and how the country celebrated the Jubilee.

Username JuneJohnson, said: “I can't feel any more British than I did last week.”

Username Warwick Shire said: “I am British, and proud of what we did to celebrate the Queen's long and unfaltering reign.” 

While username Heidi 611 wrote: “Yes I'm proud to be British and very proud of our Queen and Royal Family.” 

And username Waysie said: “The whole weekend with millions of subjects coming together was for me very uplifting and made me very proud to be British!! Wouldn't want to live anywhere else in the world!!”

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