Royal POLL: Should moaning republicans just 'shut up' during Queen's Jubilee weekend?

THE JUBILEE celebrations have been described as "gross" by a former Labour MP. So, do you think moaning republicans should just "shut up" during Queen's Jubilee weekend? Vote in our poll.

By Natalie Crookham, Engagement Editor

Jubilee: Former Queen's guard member slams Republican uproar

Laura Pidcock, former MP for North West Durham, hit out at the Jubilee celebrations on Twitter branding the celebration as “grossness”. She also claimed the Queen has “unaccountable wealth”, referencing the cost of living crisis facing Britain.


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Ms Pidcock tweeted on Thursday, May 26: “I just feel like there is a real grossness to the state-driven Jubilee celebration fanfare. 

“People are skint, getting so much more skint & full of worry & we are supposed to go out & celebrate 70 years of unadulterated, unaccountable wealth, privilege, power & exploitation? Nah."

Her post gathered nearly 20,000 likes on Twitter but was a message that divided the public.

Ahead of the Jubilee celebrations last week, anti-Queen posters were displayed on billboards across the country.

The campaign posters were put up by the pressure group Republic which is campaigning to end the British monarchy.

Polls show the Queen remains a popular and well-respected figure, but there is growing indifference among younger people.

Jubilee party

Royal POLL: Should moaning republicans just 'shut up' during Queen's Jubilee weekend? (Image: AFP/Getty)

A YouGov survey for the Republic campaign group last Thursday, May 26, also found that more than half of those surveyed were not interested in the jubilee.

Steve Reed, Shadow Justice Secretary and MP for Croydon North, told Chopper's Politics podcast that the Jubilee was a time for everyone to celebrate the Queen’s reign and the monarchy’s role in the UK.

He said: “If you look back over the last 15 years or so, many of the institutions that are the pillars of our country and our society have been wobbling.

“After the expenses scandal, people lost a lot of faith in Parliament. After the global crash, people lost faith in the banking system.

“The monarchy was one of the few institutions that stood steady through all of that and was able to hold our country together.

“And for anybody in any political party, particularly the Labour Party, to question one of the institutions that was providing stability at a time when everything else felt so unstable just strikes me as being wrong.”

Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer has said it is the British public's "patriotic duty" to celebrate the Queen's Platinum Jubilee.

Sir Keir said: “The Jubilee weekend isn’t just an opportunity for us to reflect on the 70 years since Her Majesty’s accession to the throne – although it will, of course, be that.

“And it isn’t simply a chance for a country wearied by the extraordinary circumstances of the last few years to let its hair down – although it is, of course, your patriotic duty to do just that.

“No, the first Platinum Jubilee in our nation’s history is a chance to celebrate a truly extraordinary Queen, to reflect on the difference she has made to her country and to 

consider what our Elizabethan age has meant – and what it will mean for our future.”

So what do YOU think? Should moaning republicans just 'shut up' during the Jubilee? Vote in our poll and leave your thoughts in the comment section below.

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