Rishi Sunak ‘failing to deliver’ as Prime Minister and 'needs to call an election ASAP'

The Prime Minister has failed to convince Express.co.uk readers that he is doing a good job in Downing Street, with a staggering 85 percent viewing his premiership badly in a new poll.

By Natalie Crookham, Engagement Editor

Rishi Sunak provides update on 'stop the boats' pledge

Prime Minister is under pressure as he struggles to achieve his for the year on inflation, economic growth, cutting debt, NHS waiting lists and stopping Channel boats.

Six months into his year-long goals which aim to build “a future that restores optimism, hope, and pride in Britain”, he still seems a long way from achieving his priorities.

The economy continues to struggle and despite inflation beginning to fall it is slower than expected, high interest rates are forcing public debt to rise and pose a risk to economic growth.

While the NHS remains in crisis with 7.4 million waiting for treatment, and record numbers of asylum seekers continue to cross the Channel.

A senior Government source said: “We are just helmets on, getting on with it – not as fast as we would like but things are going to get better.”

Mr Sunak faced a grilling on his policies by the on Tuesday and both ministers and civil servants are “working very hard to deliver for the country”.

A 10 Downing Street spokesman said: “The Prime Minister rightly set ambitious priorities. He did not set out to deliver anything that would be easy, that’s not what the public would expect.

“These are big challenges made harder by a pandemic and war in Europe. He is clear that these are the public’s priorities, that is where he is spending the vast majority of his time.”

Rishi Sunak

Just 13 percent of readers think Rishi Sunak is doing a good job (Image: Getty)

In a poll that ran from 7.30 on Sunday, July 2, to 10.30am on Wednesday, July 5, : “Is Rishi Sunak doing a good job as Prime Minister?”

A total of 9,968 readers responded with the vast majority, 85 percent (8,493 people) answering “no” he is not doing a good job. Whereas 13 percent (1,264 people) said “yes” he is and a further two percent (211 people) said they did not know.

as readers shared their thoughts on Mr Sunak’s premiership.

One reader, username Nice3, said: “No, no and no! He has not delivered at all, like his predecessors. Over so many years, the prime ministers have many promises, but never deliver!”

Similarly, username Queenb wrote: “He made five pledges and none of them is even close to coming off. ​​What's he actually done?”

Username xl1 said that Mr Sunak is “a prime minister that fails consistently to deliver anything for the majority electorate”.

And username donnumnum commented: “Sunak is toast, he really needs to call an election sooner rather than later, that way he might actually see some Tory seats saved at the election, failure to do that will probably see a total wipeout.”

Rishi Sunak

The Prime Minister is under pressure to achieve his five Government priorities (Image: Getty)

A minority of readers thought that Mr Sunak was on track to achieve his priorities, with username peter mendes remarking: “He's doing alright.”

While username Matt Holland said: “At least Sunak has brought some stability.”

The latest TechneUK survey published on June 30 shows that confidence in the Government’s ability to deal with the country’s priorities in the next 12 months is down, standing at -13. Some 55 percent of the 1,631 Britons surveyed are not confident, compared with 42 percent who are.

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