POLL: Is Rishi Sunak doing a good job as Prime Minister?

Eight months into his premiership, how do you think Rishi Sunak is doing? Vote and join in the debate here.

By Natalie Crookham, Engagement Editor

Rishi Sunak

POLL: Is Rishi Sunak doing a good job as Prime Minister? (Image: Getty)

A Labour MP has accused Prime Minister of being “literally the worst person” to be leading the country as Britons grapple with the ongoing cost of living crisis.

Sir Chris Bryant said during Prime Minister's Questions this week: “Sunak has had responsibility for the UK economy now for 1,323 days and he's delivered. He's delivered the largest national peacetime debt ever, the largest tax burden since the Second World War, the highest cost inflation since 1991, the fastest interest rate rises since 1989 and the biggest fall in living standards in our history.”

Earlier this week Mr Sunak urged homeowners and mortgage borrowers to “hold their nerve” after interest rates rose to a 15-year high of five percent.

This angered Sir Chris who said: “Will he stop lecturing my constituents about holding their nerve, ditch the lame excuses, and admit he is literally the worst person to be leading this country through a cost of living crisis.”

At the start of the year Mr Sunak set out five priorities on the economy, the NHS and migration to build “a future that restores optimism, hope, and pride in Britain”.

He pledged that his Tory Government would half inflation, grow the economy to create better-paid jobs, cut national debt, shorten NHS waiting lists and pass new laws to stop migrant boats.

Yet his leadership in achieving his goals has been questioned by Britons, with the latest YouGov tracker from May 28 showing 50 percent of some 1800 adults think he is “weak”. Just 22 percent think he is a “strong” leader and 28 percent said “don’t know”.

So what do YOU think? Is Mr Sunak doing a good job as Prime Minister? Vote in our poll and leave your thoughts in the comment section below.

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