Jacob Rees-Mogg says he wants to 'build a wall' in English Channel in leaked recording

The former Cabinet minister reportedly said Donald Trump took the right approach by building a border wall with Mexico.

By Katie Harris, Political Reporter

Jacob Rees-Mogg

Senior Conservative Jacob Rees-Mogg (Image: GETTY)

Sir Jacob Rees-Mogg said he wants to “build a wall” in the English Channel in a leaked recording, according to reports.

The senior Conservative is said to have made the comment about the small boats crisis when speaking to young Tory activists in March.

The former Cabinet minister reportedly backed ex-US President Donald Trump's border wall with Mexico aimed at curbing illegal immigration.

According to The Guardian, Sir Jacob said: “If I were American I’d want the border closed, I’d be all in favour of building a wall.

"I’d want to build a wall in the middle of the English Channel."

Sir Jacob, who is fighting to be re-elected in the new constituency of North East Somerset and Hanham, also revealed he would vote for Mr Trump over Joe Biden.

He said: “Every so often, I slightly peek over the parapet, like that image from the Second World War of the man looking over the wall, and say if I were an American, I would vote for Donald Trump and it’s always the most unpopular thing I ever say in British politics, but I’m afraid it’s true.

"I would definitely vote for Donald Trump against Joe Biden.”

Sir Jacob claimed Mr Biden "doesn't like Britain" and that was his key concern ahead of the 2024 presidential election.

He said: “That’s … much more important for me than whether somebody closes the border between the US and Mexico … I want Trump to succeed as he looks like the candidate.

"And one does to some degree worry about the mental acuity of President Biden.”

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