POLL: Do YOU think Sue Gray's report matters?

SUE GRAY has finally handed her report on the Government partygate scandal to Downing Street. But does it matter? Vote in our poll.

By Natalie Crookham, Engagement Editor

Boris Johnson receives Sue Gray’s report

Senior civil servant Sue Gray has made her report on pandemic rule-breaking public and revealed new details of parties held at Downing Street during lockdowns. She has been critical of the culture in No10 and named senior individuals who she believes are responsible for such rule-breaking.


The 37-page report includes nine new pictures, including those shared by ITV News earlier in the week.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s fate could be determined by the report which sets out each event in detail.

Ms Gray said: “The senior leadership at the centre, both political and official, must bear responsibility for this culture.”

Speaking to MPs on Wednesday, May 25, Mr Johnson said he was “renewing my apology to the house, to the whole country”, for his birthday gathering in June 2020 which he was fined for, and took “full responsibility for everything that took place on my watch”.

However, he insisted it was “one of the essential duties of leadership” to “briefly” attend leaving events and thank departing staff as “it was appropriate to recognise and to thank them for the work that they had done”.

Mr Johnson led a Downing Street press conference to apologise to the nation for his and the Government's behaviour.

He also addressed the 1922 Committee of backbench Tory MPs who will decide if the findings in Ms Gray’s report are sufficient to warrant ousting him.

Boris Johnson

Do YOU think Sue Gray's report matters? (Image: Getty)

Ms Gray began investigating partygate allegations in December last year and was ready to publish her findings at the end of January.

However, she was forced to wait until the Metropolitan Police had concluded their own investigation.

This was completed last week with the force issuing 126 fines to 83 people including Mr Johnson and Chancellor Rishi Sunak.

Mr Johnson was fined once for attending his birthday party at Downing Street in June 2020. 

However, he was not penalised for a garden party at Downing street a month earlier.

Sue Gray

Sue Gray has finally handed her report to Downing Street (Image: AFP/Getty)

Ms Gray published an interim version of the report, which criticised “failures of leadership and judgement” in Number 10 and the Cabinet Office.

A Cabinet Office spokesperson said on Wednesday morning: "We can confirm that Sue Gray has provided her final report to the Prime Minister."

The full report will be published on the Government website for the public to read.

So what do YOU think? Does the Sue Gray report matter? Vote in our poll and leave your thoughts in the comment section below.

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