Brexit NOT to blame for Dover lorry chaos as leaving bloc only ‘one factor’ - POLL

BREXIT is not entirely to blame for the latest lorry chaos in Dover, according to a poll of readers.

By Natalie Crookham, Engagement Editor

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Lorries have been gridlocked at the Dover port crossing with congestion believed to be costing transport companies at least £800 per day. British Ports Association (BPA) chief executive Richard Ballantyne said the traffic can be attributed to the suspension of P&O Ferry services, Easter traffic, IT issues and bad weather as well as Brexit rule changes.

Mr Ballantyne told Sky News: “There’s still congestion. P&O Ferries is out of service at the moment, which is probably the main cause of all the congestion – coupled with one or two other little incidents, and other Brexit scenarios.”

Brexit rules mean drivers need scannable barcodes for rapid processing at ports but not all lorries have these yet.

The Road Haulage Association (RHA) said lorries were “continuing to have issues” with the new system.

They reported it was taking an additional 15 to 20 minutes to clear each driver through customs.

In a poll that ran from 10am to 9pm on Tuesday, April 12 asked: “Is the latest lorry chaos in Dover entirely due to Brexit?”

A total of 1,051 people voted with the dominant response being “no, there are other factors at play”, receiving 83 percent (1,875 people) of votes cast.

A further 17 percent (172 people) said “yes, Brexit is to blame” while four people said they did not know.

Hundreds of comments were left below the accompanying article with readers sharing their thoughts on the latest lorry chaos in Dover.

Lorries queue towards Dover

Brexit NOT to blame for Dover lorry chaos as leaving bloc only ‘one factor’ (Image: Ben Stansall/AFP/Getty)

Username bigbadbill said: “It [Brexit] is one of the factors obviously but not entirely [to blame]”.

While username fredregar said: “Nobody is saying its entirely down to Brexit but Brexit isn't helping the situation and in fact is making it worse than it should be.”

Many said that the suspension of P&O Ferries was the reason for the congestion.

One user, Andysel said: “It was all going and flowing reasonably well up until the P&O debacle so one can only assume it’s not Brexit on this occasion.”

And username ValBrooker said: “More like the chaos has been created by P&O Ferries.”

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Username BillJackson said: “Dover is the UK's busiest Roll on/Roll off terminal and even without the P&O issue can face disruption.

“The P&O issue has reduced capacity at Dover by over 50 percent and that's the problem.”

However, some said Brexit was to blame as other countries were not having issues.

Username typhoontim said: “Funny how there are queues of trucks on this side and not on the other.

“The problem is due to a breakdown in customs software, which we need due to Brexit, so it is Brexit related.”

P&O Ferry in port of Dover

Suspension of P&O ferries is partly to blame (Image: Ben Stansall/AFP/Getty)

And username seeyerdownthepub wrote: “If it’s due to Easter traffic and cancellation of P&O ferries how come there are not similar queues in France, Belgium or Holland?”

The traffic is reaching the surrounding areas with 23-miles of the M20 closed to manage the queuing lorries heading to Dover as part of Operation Brock.

Dover County Council is preparing to declare the congestion “a major incident” should the disruption continue this weekend.

Mr Ballantyne said “as frustrating as it is for people in queues, [the traffic management system] is actually working.”

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