‘Ignore it and carry on’ Boris Johnson and Rishi Sunak SHOULDN'T resign

BORIS JOHNSON and Rishi Sunak should not resign after being fined for attending lockdown-breaking parties, according to a new poll of Express.co.uk readers.

By Natalie Crookham, Engagement Editor

Boris Johnson says he won't resign after police issue fine

The Metropolitan police have issued fixed penalty notices to at least 50 individuals including Prime Minister Boris Johnson and Chancellor of the Exchequer Rishi Sunak for breaching COVID-19 regulations at parties hosted in Downing Street and Whitehall. In a statement, Downing Street said: “The Prime Minister and Chancellor of the Exchequer have today received notification that the Metropolitan police intend to issue them with fixed penalty notices.

“We have no further details, but we will update you again when we do.”

The announcement sparked calls for both Mr Johnson and Mr Sunak to resign with Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer tweeting: “Boris Johnson and Rishi Sunak have broken the law and repeatedly lied to the British public.

“They must both resign. The Conservatives are totally unfit to govern. Britain deserves better.”

Yet Express.co.uk readers disagree that Mr Johnson and Mr Sunak should resign.

In a poll that ran from 4pm to 6pm On Tuesday, April 12 Express.co.uk asked: “Should PM and Rishi resign after breaking OWN lockdown rules?”

A whopping 4,525 people cast their votes with hundreds of comments left below the accompanying article in a lively debate.

The majority of respondents, 62 percent (2,793 people), said “no”, Mr Johnson and Mr Sunak should not resign.

Meanwhile, 38 percent (1,709 people) answered “yes” and a further 23 people said they did not know either way.

Boris Johnson and Rishi Sunak

'Ignore it and carry on’ Boris Johnson and Rishi Sunak SHOULDN'T resign (Image: Leon Neal/Getty)

In the comments it was clear readers felt strongly about Mr Johnson and Mr Sunak continuing in their positions.

Username FlameStrike said: “The country just needs to just get on with things with no further disruptions.

“To topple the cart for the sake of a minor slip up and inconsistency isn't the way forward.”

Username Justmypointofviewok agreed, writing: “No, let’s move on.”

And username JB4507 wrote: “Absolutely not. Ignore it and carry on dealing with more important things.”

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Police officer outside 10 Downing Street

50 fines in relation to parties and gatherings held inside Downing Street have been issued (Image: Rob Pinney/Getty)

Many felt that receiving a fixed penalty notice for past actions was no reason to resign.

Username Hotdog 008 said: “Resign? Don't be so ridiculous. It's not important.”

Another user, lesleyann wrote: “No, they should NOT resign.”

Username, still driving, agreed, commenting: “NO, get over it and give it a rest.”

Mr Starmer was not the only member of the opposition to speak out.

Boris Johnson timeline

Boris Johnson timeline (Image: EXPRESS.CO.UK)

Although, username SoltonGris said: “No they shouldn't and the more the opposition go on about it the more ridiculous and unfit to govern they look.”

Another user, Think Aloud, said: “It's not a resigning matter. At this level there would be no politicians left if they all resigned for misdemeanours.”

However, username Duncan 1992 said: “They should both resign with immediate effect so that they don't set a dangerous precedent.”

Username Theknack said: “I'm not sorry to say it, yes they should resign, they have continually lied to the British people and Parliament.”

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