Pancake Day 2020: How long is Lent? Does Pancake Day mark the start of Lent?

PANCAKE DAY is just around the corner and is the perfect time to indulge on sweet or savoury batter-based treats. But how long is Lent? Does Pancake Day mark the start of Lent?

By Georgina Laud, Engagement Editor

Cooking: How to make 'fluffy' American pancakes

Pancake Day is also known as Shrove Tuesday and is traditionally a time when all the items in the pantry are used up ahead of Lent. The day is also known as Mardi Gras or Fat Tuesday, signifying the meals eaten that day.

Does Pancake Day mark the start of Lent?

Pancake day this year falls on Tuesday, February 25, and it does signify the start of Lent.

Also known as Shrove Tuesday, the word shrove is a form of the English word shrive, which means to obtain absolution for one’s sins by way of Confession and doing penance.

Thus Shrove Tuesday was named after the custom of Christians to be “shriven” before the start of Lent.

Read More: Shrove Tuesday 2020: Why do we celebrate Shrove Tuesday?

Pancake Day 2020 when is pancake day

Pancake Day 2020: Does Pancake Day mark the start of Lent? (Image: GETTY)

Richer fattier foods are eaten on Shrove Tuesday before the fasting which accompanies Lent takes place.

Often pancakes are cooked and enjoyed with various toppings to commemorate the day.

The custom of British Christians eating pancakes on Shrove Tuesday dates to the 16th century.

According to one myth, the four ingredients of pancakes can be linked to the four pillars of Christian faith.

Flour represents sustenance, eggs signify creation, milk for purity and salt links to wholesomeness.

Pancake Day 2020: All manner of toppings are enjoyed on pancakes

Pancake Day 2020: Pancakes are made on Shrove Tuesday ahead of fasting for Lent (Image: GETTY)

Pancake Day 2020: Jesus rose on Easter Sunday

Pancake Day 2020: Easter commemorates the rise of Jesus after his crucifixion (Image: GETTY)

How long is Lent?

Lent begins the day after Pancake Day on Ash Wednesday and lasts for 40 days.

Lent is a religious period which ends six weeks after Ash Wednesday on Holy Thursday.

Then, Easter is celebrated by Christians around the world.

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Easter commemorates the Christian celebration of Jesus rising from the tomb following his crucifixion.

According to the Bible, Jesus was crucified on Good Friday and then resurrected on Easter Sunday.

Often throughout Lent Christians more time than usual in church reflecting on Jesus’ sacrifice.

During Lent, observers often give up items perceived as luxuries such as smoking, chocolate, alcohol and fast food to name a few.

Pancake Day 2020: Easter is often celebrated with chocolate Easter eggs

Pancake Day 2020: Chocolate eggs are a popular Easter treat (Image: GETTY)

This is to commemorate the 40 days Jesus spent in the desert without food or water, resisting temptation.

When Easter comes around there are often special church services, an Easter meal and time spent with family and friends.

Other traditions also include the giving and receiving of chocolate Easter eggs, Easter egg hunts and seasonal foods like hot crossbuns.

Some people also participate in pancake races, including in Lincolnshire and Kansas.

This is where participants with frying pans race through the streets tossing pancakes into the air and catching them in the pan while running.

Easter eggs originate from the Victorian era when chicken eggs were decorated and given to children as eggs.

Often they were given in decorated cardboard boxes alongside other treats for the festival.

The first chocolate Easter eggs came from France and Germany in the 19th Century, however, they were not the sweet chocolate we know today, they were bitter and hard.

Nowadays, Easter eggs are enjoyed around the world, with shops packed full of chocolate eggs of every flavour imaginable.

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